Om, Baby!

Photos Via Jill Hudgins Flickr Photostream.

A quick list for the middle of the week...

Top 10 Reasons I Love My Bikram Right Now:

  1. It gets rid of workday boredom.
  2. Cracks the back.
  3. No more toxins!
  4. Keeps me up on my hydration, and VitaCoco after class is sooo refreshing.
  5. The teachers freakin' rock!
  6. The class flows as you work together and move as one.
  7. Breathe, stretch, shake, let it go! I feel loose and light after class.
  8. I know I'm changing my body for the better from the inside out.
  9. I get inspired by the crazy yogis and local characters that surround me.
  10. I can relax, and let the heat take me in.
What do you love most about your yoga practice right now?