Bikram Yoga Bloggers and Teacher Training
/Photo via The Hot Yoga Girl, a Bikram blog I just discovered.
Are any of you blog readers gearing up to become Bikram teachers starting next week? I'm getting excited to follow the stories of some very soon-to-be teachers-in-training.
I love reading Bikram blogs. It's fun to learn how other yogis interpret some of the madness we encounter in the hot room. Sometimes enlightening, always entertaining, you can discover a lot of Bikram blogging goodness on my blogroll, listed below and to the right.
Photo via a post by @NancyChloe on Twitter. She's here in southern CA for the spring 2011 Bikram Teacher Training!
While I do primarily practice Bikram and hope to teach it one day, I also follow some yoga bloggers who love other styles. I also keep fitness, style, cooking, and wedding blogs in my reader. I think it's important to consider a variety of voices and opinions on yoga (and life in general), and it's great to keep an open mind when reading or writing about a personal yoga practice. I hope that this approach keeps things fresh around here at Alive in the Fire!
If you'd enjoy more Bikram-related content, I'd encourage you to check out these three sites. As always, feel free to drop me a line if you discover a beautiful blog or wild posture photos you think I might like. Happy reading!
Sweat Your Heart Out: This is a Bikram blog by Jacob, a yogi who hopes to teach one day. His posts are reflective and thoughtful and he has a great grasp on how and why Bikram yoga is such a healing practice.
Bikram Infinity: Greg blogs about his Bikram adventures by sharing incredible posture discussions, thoughts on how to build great habits in the Torture Chamber, and meditations on how you can apply your yoga to life off the mat.
The Hot Yoga Girl: Tiffany's blog reads like the inside of a yogini's diary, featuring down-to-earth post-it notes with inspirational quotes, messages from family members, or little reminders written on them. Her thoughts give a positive, passionate look at some reasons to consider going to training.