/Photos via FYeahYoga on Tumblr.
It's also amazing to reflect on the way a consistent practice on the mat can really catapult you to new places. Yoga is transformative. Transformational.
It's all about the process.
J over at Lock the Knee said it beautifully in a quote from one of her students in a recent post:
[Bikram yoga can make you a] different person - body changed, personality changed, attitude changed, everything changed.
[As a yogi, you realize:] I don't have to prepare to practice, I just have to come in and practice... I am just keeping myself open to feedback, just listen, adjust, and change... If you think you're 'perfect,' if you're always 'doing it right,' then you can't learn, but if you're just 'practicing,' then you can keep adjusting and taking in new information.
I'm so glad I found the momentum to start practicing again, not worrying about getting it right. It's such a relief! (And thanks to Juliana's student for describing this concept so beautifully.)
See you in the Hot Room for a Bikram class tomorrow? And at the arm balances and inversions workshop with Mr. Yoga down at TruHarmony on Saturday, if you're going!