Deepak Chopra and a Video Game for Yogis

It's rare to think of yogis playing video games... but there's one that's just been released by Deepak Chopra that may change that. 

Have you guys heard of Leela? It's a ground-breaking game featuring relaxation and meditation techniques which spotlight the chakras. Kinect technology also allows you to use the game to track and monitor your breathing during meditation and gentle, restful body gestures. Now I'm not usually a video game person, but that's one I'd love to try!

To celebrate the release of the game, Leela is launching a Mandala Creativity Contest through their Mandala Facebook app. If you enter a customized mandala drawing into the contest, you could win the Leela videogame or the Leela CD soundtrack.

Photo via SC Eyelines.

A “mandala” is artwork that expresses an individual’s unique essence and intentions. With the Leela Mandala app, you can create, customize and share your own personal mandalas with friends. Then, from November 15th 2011 to December 9th, 2011 you can submit your mandala to the Leela Mandala Creativity Contest for a chance to win prizes. Winners will be chosen each week by a committee which includes Deepak Chopra himself.

Photo via Leela by Deepak Chopra.