Learning How To Be Alone

Photo via Pinterest.

Being alone is one of those things that sometimes comes naturally to me, but not always. I enjoy a little time to myself then and again: I feel pretty good taking solitary walks, or sitting in a coffee shop, or being home alone and writing or doing yoga.

As a yogi, I am grateful that the practice of asana and of meditation have taught me how to feel comfortable in my own body. Yoga has helped me learn to accept myself for who I am.

Photo via Andrew and Carissa.

But occasionally I feel it's easy to get lonely. Even though I'm an introvert, I don't want to be the only one in the room.

I want the comfort of a close friend, or a hug. I want a shoulder to cry on, or maybe someone silly to laugh with. I just don't want to feel alone.

Photo via Pinterest.

Do you get lonely sometimes? What helps you through?

PS Wouldn't it be daring to take a vacation by yourself? I loved this Cup of Jo post about taking a trip solo. I think I would enjoy it (at least, if there were beaches!). Here's another awesome video about how to enjoy solitude.