
"I am not my body image."

This photography project is breathtaking. Steve Rosenfield of Ganesh Photography is using models of all ages and ethnic backgrounds to explore what courage it takes to expose our insecurities.

"I am not my ears."

"I am not my weight."

As Steve puts it: 

The "What I Be Project" is all about honesty. In today's society, we are told to look or act a certain way.

If we differ from these "standards," we are often judged, ridiculed, and sometimes even killed over them. I started this project in hopes to open up the lines of communication, and to help everyone accept diversity with an open mind & heart. 

"I am not my shyness."

"I am not my anxiety."

"I am not my communication."

"I am not my withdrawal."

I love that the photos and their accompanying captions address a lot of insecurities that women and young women face. May we accept each other and love ourselves for who we are.

Be well!

*All photos by Steve Rosenfield. "Like" the project and see more on Facebook.