A Yoga Poem
This poem is inspired by the Philosophy of Yoga course I'm taking at Dharma Yoga Evanston. Thank you, fellow yogis, for inspiring grace and gratitude in me. Thank you for encouraging me to lose the ego. (And special thanks to Grant and Luna for hosting such a thought-provoking class! It's certainly accelerating my practice to new places.)
Limit Your Passion
I am no name,
not a yogi,
not a woman.
I offer nothing
and everything
to those I meet, I see
your desire
for my body, of knowing only
some impure,
form you think-- is
me I am the only
I am what name? The body
is a vehicle toward enlightenment;
sense perception is limited.
It fails, mostly,
at love. Loving spiritually
blind; no love survives
that way. No love,
no, oh lust, lust after
another for I am
no name, no body.