Make Every Day Count

Photos in this post via Pinterest.

Compassion is at the heart of yoga. As I wrote about recently, there's more to a holistic yoga practice than simply moving through physical asana on a regular basis. One yogi/ philanthropist/ blogger who truly understands this (and who I admire greatly!) is Matt over at Make Every Day Count.

As soon as I started subscribing to Matt's newsletter, I could tell right away from his writing that he's a down-to-earth person with a lot to give.

And his cause is inspiring: Matt writes about what little steps you can take to make every day better. He believes in living with purpose, whether that means taking the time to treat yourself well or learning to do a handstand

He's also raising money for orphans in Nepal. If you've got a bit of money you're hoping to donate to a worthy cause, please consider checking out his website for $25K for Kopila Valley.

Thanks, Matt, and all of you yogis out there who are spending time putting positive energy into uplifting and world-changing action. I appreciate you, and encourage you to keep up the beautiful work! Shine on.