Permission to Play in Yoga Class

Photo via Pinterest.

Today, I grant you permission to play in yoga class. Throw your head back. Laugh at the ridiculousness that happens when you have fifteen yogis trying to put their feet behind their heads. Or people farting during a backbend. Or that dude next to you snoring in savasana.

Your teacher may not have told you, but yoga allows you this freedom.

Photo via Rummey Bears.

Try moving through your asana practice today with childlike wonder at how beautiful and capable your body is.

If you start to feel frustrated or tired, imagine you've just heard a hilarious joke. Breathe into the deepest parts of your lungs.

Photo via Pinterest.

It was George Bernard Shaw who said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."

I think he was right.
Photo via Rummey Bears.

You're free to have fun during yoga class. Smile. Do the pose with your body, not your clenched jaw.

Give yourself permission to play, fall, to get back up again, to act silly, to encourage other yogis. Be a kid for an hour or two. You deserve it.

Photo via Pinterest.