How to Meditate During Your Daily Commute (Conquer Road Rage with Yoga!)
T-shirt by MustBKarma.
On some days, morning traffic gets me down. I can get impatient,
grumpy and irritated sitting in my car, or pissed off when other drivers are
slow or incompetent.
Instead of getting swept up in my reactions lately, I've been trying instead to cultivate loving kindness during my
commute time. Often I speak this mantra aloud and envision love and compassion reaching the people around me.
Every now and then a driver in the car next to me will catch
my eye and we exchange a smile. Silently, I wish them a heart-centered Namaste.
Stranger, fellow
driver, fellow yogi: I acknowledge you. I honor and respect you. May you be
well and happy.
It’s amazing how much a simple practice such as this can
transform a very ordinary experience into something meaningful. The same
happens when we give our practice on the mat away. We detach from the outcome and
the yoga becomes a gift for the benefit of others.
More and more, I realize: everything in life is yoga. I
carry my practice with me wherever I go.
My invitation to you as you transition out of the Thanksgiving holiday and back into your work week is to practice loving kindness to everyone around you. Let your heart be full of love.
Photo via Pinterest.
PS Here's another relaxing workday meditation.
PPS Another fun way I spend the commute is reciting the yoga flow I'm about to teach. Or just singing mantra.