Yoga Homework
Photo by Brynna Bryant of Respiro Photography.
Yogis, I have some homework for you. :)
The homework is simple: be kind to yourself.
When you are going about your day to day life, off the mat, be kind to yourself.
When you regret making a mistake, be kind to yourself. When you eat something that initially makes you feel guilty, pause for a moment. If you've scolded your kids and wish you hadn't been so harsh, take a breath.
Treat yourself with kindness. Love yourself. You are human.
If you need a note on the refrigerator to remind yourself, write one! Send yourself an email reminder. Set a calendar appointment on your phone. "During this moment, I love myself and I will treat myself with respect and kindness."
Allow yourself to feel that kindness, letting it sink in.
Each day, this is the practice.