Alive in the FIre Writer’s Group

Transform Your Writing Journey and Boost Your Confidence!

Are you struggling to find time for your creative projects?

Do you need help staying accountable?

Want to feel more supported, confident, and productive?

Want to finish a book draft that you’ve started?

Join me, Rachel Warmath, for the Alive in the Fire Writer’s Group!

This is a dynamic, energizing space that features:

  • A weekly POWER HOUR Zoom call to check in and ask questions 🔥 (TUESDAYS @ 3:00 PM Pacific/ 4:00 PM Mountain/ 6:00 PM Eastern/ 8:00 AM Wednesdays Brisbane time)

  • Ongoing support and accountability through the Volley app

  • Silent working Zoom sessions where you have no excuse not to write!

  • Special workshops to help you learn, experiment, and grow

  • Writing tools, templates, prompts, and meditations to inspire you and prevent writer’s block

  • Exclusive access to Rachel for coaching, Q&A, and feedback on your work

  • Early access to new products, resources, and publishing opportunities

Who Is This For?

  • Writers and artists of all levels and backgrounds

  • Individuals looking for accountability in their creative projects

  • People who want to boost their confidence in their creative abilities

  • People looking to establish a regular writing habit

  • Writers preparing for publishing or submitting their work

  • Writers and artists who have been in hiding and who are nervous to be seen

  • Those interested in overcoming creative obstacles and challenges

  • People who aren’t sure if their story is worth telling (spoiler alert: it is! And I’ll show you why)

  • Anyone on a healing journey who wants to find their voice and share it with the world

  • Writers, dreamers, and badass humans who want more out of life

Transform Your Confidence 💥

Work through perfectionism and imposter syndrome. Learn to meet your inner critic with compassion. Gain the tools to overcome self-doubt and build a strong mindset that empowers you to take bold steps in your writing journey.

Create a Weekly Writing Ritual ✍🏻

Establish a consistent writing routine and increase your productivity. We will spend 15-20 minutes of every call fully focused and in flow state so you can make tangible progress on your project.

By exploring new techniques and overcoming mental blocks, you'll find renewed inspiration and motivation, helping you produce your best work and stay consistently creative and productive.

Unlock New Levels of Creativity💡

Learn About the Publishing Process 📚

Learn the ins and outs of the editing and publishing processes with practical advice and insider tips. As an independent bestselling author of eight books, I'll share my journey, show you how to navigate online platforms, and teach you how to make money with your writing.

Join a supportive community of like-minded writers and artists. Share your experiences, celebrate wins, and gain inspiration from others on a similar journey.

Connect with an awesome Community of Writers and Artists 😎

what participants are saying about power hour:

ongoing Volley app support & accountability

Volley is a video messaging app that enables meaningful on-demand conversation and connection between group members. Post in our various channels to check in, ask for help, connect, and learn. Watch Rachel’s videos for ongoing support and fresh ideas to keep you from getting stuck.

silent focused writing sessions

In addition to our weekly call, we have silent Zoom sessions where you can log on and simply write! Similar to sitting in a coffee shop or co-working space, these sessions bring powerful and productive energy to your writing routine, helping you focus, prevent procrastination, and stay in flow state.

UPCOMING SESSIONS (free and open to anyone, not just writing group participants):

July 9th, 2024 @ 8:30 AM PT/ 9:30 AM MT: REGISTER HERE

July 23rd, 2024 @ 8:30 AM PT/ 9:30 AM MT: REGISTER HERE

live workshops

By joining the group, you’ll have access to special live workshops and occasional recorded content. Our next workshop is about Working With Your Inner Critic to Overcome Imposter Syndrome.

What to Expect during our weekly check-in call

Arrival: We’ll start with a quick grounding session, including a weekly theme/ writing prompt to consider.

Check-Ins: Share your week's progress, celebrate wins, and acknowledge roadblocks with the group.

Q&A and Live Coaching: Receive personalized insights on writing, publishing, editing, launching a book, and other topics.

Closing: Wrap up and share what you’ve learned on the call and what your plan is for the week ahead.

Alive in the Fire Writer's Group 🔥
Every month

A community group designed to help writers of all levels build momentum, creativity, and confidence! ✍🏻 Includes Weekly POWER HOUR Zoom calls (group coaching and check-ins), ongoing accountability through Volley app, access to recorded meditations and live workshops, silent Zoom working sessions, and the chance to connect with Rachel for feedback on your work.

✓ Templates, prompts, and guides to improve your writing skill
✓ Opportunity to receive constructive feedback
✓ Regular inspiration and content to keep momentum flowing
✓ Tools and techniques to track your progress and celebrate mi
✓ Networking opportunities with fellow writers

My Story

Hey, I’m Rachel. I’m a writer, editor, independently-published author, and yoga teacher based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am a graduate of the Northwestern University creative writing program.

reading and writing were always my ‘thing’ Growing up…

I grew up in northern California and was always a voracious reader and writer from a young age. I remember spending afternoons in the library, excitedly looking for new books. In third grade, I won the Placer County Spelling Bee. As soon as our family got a computer, I was on it, typing up stories and signing onto AOL with dial-up internet using my nerdy, adorable username, “ReaderRach.” My favorite place to hang out as a teenager was the local bookstore, perusing the shelves, flipping through magazines, and checking out CDs.

english classes, yearbook and journalism

In high school, I worked on the school newspaper and was co-editor for the school yearbook. In Honors English, the teacher put my essay about Fahrenheit 451 up on the projector screen and read aloud the best parts. I remember my cheeks flushing red and feeling this weird mix of pride and nervous embarrassment at being in the spotlight.

Senior year, I took AP Literature and AP Language the same semester. I remember my hand hurting from writing so much, but I loved it.

My peers voted me “most likely to publish a book,” but it wasn’t until my early thirties that I actually believed I could— and did. Since 2020, I’ve self-published eight books, including a ghostwritten project— and I’ve also helped edit over 100 manuscripts by nonfiction authors around the world.

from journalist to poet to advertising intern

I started my undergrad as a journalism major, with a dream to write for magazines, but ended up switching to an English degree. While on campus, I helped found the literary magazine portion of North by Northwestern, a student publication and also had an internship at the Northwestern University Press. I spent a summer interning at a small educational publisher and did one quarter a fast-paced internship in downtown Chicago at Starcom Worldwide, a media agency.

During my senior year, I helped a professor of mine edit and finish her book, The Ethical Vision of Clint Eastwood by Sara Anson Vaux, PhD. We sat together at bustling coffee shops in Evanston, IL, chatting about her vision for the manuscript, brainstorming ideas, and agreeing on deadlines and deliverables for each chapter. Professor Vaux was a genius, I quickly realized, but she needed help getting organized.

At the end of the project, she thanked me with a testimonial: “Not only does Rachel show confident familiarity with the fine points of grammar and syntax, but as a well-read intellectual, she is able to critique content and suggest more effective ways to craft arguments. I want to hire her until the end of time.”

This planted a seed in me— I realized I had something special to offer as an editor: not only was I meticulous, but I had an ability to hold supportive space for someone to talk about their book, and I wasn’t afraid to hold them to a deadline.

decades of diverse writing experience

My writing and editing career has been a winding road of other successes and breakthroughs over several decades. I have helped friends publish their books, write PhD thesis projects, and polish up resumes.

I’ve worked in marketing, project management, higher ed, and copywriting for the last 12+ years and am as comfortable editing a 400-page manuscript as I am writing a headline for a paid ad. I am versatile and adaptable as a writer and editor— and that’s why I feel more called than ever to share my skills and support other writers and creatives on their journey.

I have experience writing and editing nonfiction books, memoir, and poetry. Through my work with Inspirational Book Writers, an international publishing company, I have edited over 100 manuscripts. I am also the founder of Alive in the Fire, an award-winning healthy lifestyle blog and international yoga community.

even though writing was my ‘thing,’ it took me a long time to build confidence

The reason for this group is because I want to help you fast-track feeling more confident in your writing. Sure, you could spend years on your own (like me), slowly taking on projects, trying new things, and eventually putting your work out there.

But the better way is growing within a supportive community, and with an encouraging and experienced coach on your side. Connection is the way!

i’m ready to support you on your creative journey

I am on a mission to help people evolve through creativity and self-expression. I’m passionate about sharing the highs and lows of my own journey as a professional writer… because you know what? It took me years to work up the inner confidence to put my work out into the world— and when I finally had the courage to do so, it changed everything for me.

Writing has improved my career, self-esteem, health, and financial success— and most importantly, it has shaped me into a happier and more compassionate human being.

Words are power— and I believe that if you’ve found this page, it’s because you are ready to amplify yours.

Start here, in a community designed to foster your growth, transform you into the most resilient and consistent writer you’ve ever been, and support your success.

Alive in the Fire Writer's Group 🔥
Every month

A community group designed to help writers of all levels build momentum, creativity, and confidence! ✍🏻 Includes Weekly POWER HOUR Zoom calls (group coaching and check-ins), ongoing accountability through Volley app, access to recorded meditations and live workshops, silent Zoom working sessions, and the chance to connect with Rachel for feedback on your work.

✓ Templates, prompts, and guides to improve your writing skill
✓ Opportunity to receive constructive feedback
✓ Regular inspiration and content to keep momentum flowing
✓ Tools and techniques to track your progress and celebrate mi
✓ Networking opportunities with fellow writers