Minimalist Meditation

Photos found on Minimalissmo via Hotel Zenden.

When I stumbled upon these stunning hotel photos, I realized this is the sort of place where I like to imagine myself while I'm meditating... in a space that is spare but spectacular. Very inspiring. 

This also got me thinking about the beauty of minimalist meditations. Lately, my favorite way to meditate is to choose one word to focus on during the in-breath, and one during the out-breath.

Try these:
  • I accept (in-breath) myself (out-breath).
  • Easing (in-breath) in (out-breath).
  • I deserve (in-breath) good things (out-breath).
If you enjoy chanting or other sound meditations, you can also try:
  • So (in-breath) hum (out-breath). The so-hum sound mirrors the sound of the breath itself, and translates roughly to, "I am that" or "I am all that is."
  • Sat (in-breath) nam (out-breath). Sat-nam is a mantra used often in kundalini and translates roughly to, "Truth is my name."