Returning to the Heat: My Recent Bikram Adventure
/ Photos via Pinterest.
Sweaty yogis lined the room, familiar faces I have missed. I set up on the hot side, feeling brave, wiggling into my hips a few times before class started.
The teacher pushed us hard. Pranayama lit me up inside; I could feel the glow of fresh oxygen in my lungs. I felt strong through Half Moon, Hands to Feet, Awkward and Eagle. I took my tiny sip of water during "Party Time" and smiled, thinking about all the systems in my body working together to create the sweaty magic that Bikram brings.
But I listened. I kept going. I let go instead of resisting.
I felt stronger in Triangle than I ever used to, even way back when I was at the Bikram studio up to 5 times a week. I realized it's because I've branched out -- because I've done Vinyasa and Hatha and yin classes -- that other parts of my body have grown stronger than they could only taking Bikram yoga.
I finished class smiling, dripping sweat, wanting more. I'll be back to the Torture Chamber soon :)
What kinds of classes have you been taking lately, yogis?