Energizing Snacks

What are the best foods for yogis to eat before and after class? 

This is a question I often return to, especially on days when I have intense, sweaty workouts and need to keep my energy levels up.

Recently lovely sponsored yogini Kels was given a chance to try some yummy GoMacro macrobars, and these may be our new favorite pre- and post-yoga snacks...

GoMacro loves flavor. Healthy, wholesome, flavor. They’re macrobiotic, meaning they’re made from wholesome ingredients. 

They are minimally processed and help you maintain health and balance in your life. 

Go Macro’s mantra is that if nature didn’t make it, they don’t use it in their bars. They’re delicious, nutritious and life-giving.

My favorites are the GoMaco Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and the Apple Walnut. Trust me on this one.

What snacks do you like to eat before or after a workout?

I'd love to hear! 

A heartfelt Namaste to the team at GoMacro and to Kelsie for sharing her review :)
Photos in this post courtesty of Kelsie and from GoMacro.

Pre and Post-Workout Snacks

What are your favorite snacks for before and after a yoga class? 

My current faves:

  • A handful of trail mix with almonds, raisins, craisins, sunflower seeds and dark chocolate chips

  • A green smoothie with any of the following: banana, mango, strawberry, spinach, kale juice, peaches, and avocado

Here's a site with some other ideas for healthy snacks, including vegan options, snacks for kids, and high-protein snacks. Cheers!

On Eating Healthy (Plus, A Raw Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipe)

What do you like to eat, yogis?

I’m continuously amazed at what a difference it makes when I eat a balanced diet and stay consistent with my yoga practice.

One of my friends who is a personal trainer suggests taking an “80/20” approach – when you’re looking to get in shape, focus 80% of your efforts on your diet, and 20% on your physical activity.

It’s important to make gradual changes and set attainable goals when you change how you eat. In order to sustain the changes, take small steps.

Incorporate one or two new healthy habits into your daily routine. Maybe instead of drinking soda, drink water with your meals. Or cut down your alcoholic beverage intake by one less drink per night.

I also love adding greens to each meal, and drinking more healthy smoothies for breakfast and lunch.


My favorite recipe is super simple, if you’d like to try it!

Berry Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries)
1/2 cup spinach
1 cup almond milk
1 packet Vanilla SunWarrior (Warrior Blend Raw Vegan Protein)

Blend and enjoy!

PS Leo at Zen Habits also has some amazing ideas for a gradual approach to healthy eating.

Finding Inspiration

Photos via Sweaty Betty.

Where do you go to find motivation on the days when you feel uninspired, burned out, and tired?

Life moves quickly. In the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling spread thin. I find myself saying yes to projects I know in my heart I don’t really have the energy for, making plans on days when I’d rather spend time solo, regretting both.

It helps when I make time to be still, in silence. Wisdom makes its way through. In the moments of discovery and clarity, I am at peace.

I am allowed to be imperfect.

I’m working on loving myself even on the days when I feel tired, or self-critical.

I don’t have to wear yoga clothes and roll out my mat every day. Maybe right now it’s OK to have too many projects and to feel spread thin. This won’t last forever, and I can choose to make positive changes. To set new habits.

In the same way that I approach a challenging posture, I can approach life with fierce determination.

Loving myself is its own practice. Learning to be comfortable in my own body, whether I’m ready for a night out or I’m just wearing yoga shorts and a sports bra at home. Finding ease. I release the attachments that do not serve me.

Dharma Mittra says: When you are quiet, you see everything with love.

I keep coming back to these words on the days when I feel overwhelmed and scattered. When I do slow down, when I am quiet, I see the beauty that’s been sitting there all along.

“Freedom does not come from a checklist, and a ‘zero inbox’ is not a life aspiration.
If liberation is a chore, it’s not really liberation.
You can’t contract your way to freedom.
You can’t punish your way to joy.
You can’t fight your way to inner peace.
The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel.
Let me offer this again, in reverence to your life force:
The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel.
And again, with respect to your potential:
The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel.”
- Danielle La Porte, posted on Mystic Mamma

Manduka Yoga Mats

Photos by Justin Kral of Kral Studios.

Yoga mats matter. Not only because they lay a foundation under our hands and feet when we practice, but because the way they’re produced can have a big impact on the environment.

I have a new favorite mat: Manduka’s LiveON yoga mat. Their team was kind enough to send me one to try out and I’m absolutely in love with it.

Here’s why:
  • The no-slip grip is incredible, better than any other mat I’ve used before.
  • The mat is lightweight but still provides a lot of comfort. It’s amazingly cushiony for only being 5mm in diameter.
  • I love the color! So fun and spring-y.
  • The mat is made out of 100% recyclable PLUSfoam material. After using this mat for a long time, I can send it in to PLUSfoam and they’ll make it into new products. As they say, they’re “putting landfills out of business.” Amazing! 

The LiveON yoga mat is perfect for my at-home practice and for when I do yoga in the park (it’s ideal for non-heated classes). I highly recommend checking out this mat as soon as it releases – you can sign up here to be in the loop when it goes on sale in June 2014.

Thanks, Manduka, for living up to your promises as a sustainable company – and for your generous sharing of this yoga mat! I’ll be practicing on it for years, I can already tell.

Manduka is more than eco-conscious yoga gear. Way more. We are joyology – a study in living. Our { mission } starts on the mat. --> I couldn't agree more! :)

Marika Athletic Wear for Yoga, Skydiving, and Rock Climbing

Illustration above via Pinterest. Other photos via



When it comes to

yoga wear

, I tend to look for a couple of key things:

  • Is it comfortable? (and hopefully flattering)

  • Is it functional? (meaning it won’t get in the way or slip down as I stretch)

  • Is the style unique? (good colors, fun design)

  • Can I wear this outside of yoga class? (bonus!)


women’s active and yoga wear fits all of these categories. Their products are the kind of athletic wear that makes you feel like a million bucks, and that gets out of your way so you can focus on your practice.

I am so grateful I connected with their savvy, passionate team. They sent me an awesome new outfit to try:

The Balance line

dream sequence seamless tank


the Balance line

divine intervention flat waist capri


Both fit wonderfully—the material is soft, stretchy, and snug without being bunchy. The capris are the perfect length for a hot yoga class, and I love the fun printed waistband. And I love that the print on the shirt looks like a heart, but every time I wear it someone comments that it looks like an owl! :)

And my favorite part about this new outfit?

Not only have the tank and capris been perfect for yoga class, but I’ve worn them



rock climbing

, too! And I’m pretty sure I could pull off wearing the top under a hoodie at work, or out to dinner with friends (which makes for an easy transition if you’re in a hurry to get to the studio for class, by the way!).

If you’re looking to find high-quality yoga wear from a stellar company with great customer service, add


 to your list. Highly recommended!

PS You can browse their new items here: 

Marika New Arrivals

. And their

tie dye

tops are fantastic!

Free Shipping at Sweaty Betty


Are you shopping for new yoga gear this weekend?

Maybe some winter apparel? I'm looking at you, all you yogis who ski, snowboard and snowshoe! :)


I highly recommend checking out Sweaty Betty. They're offering FREE shipping on everything until the 21st, and they've got so many cute options of warm, cozy outerwear that's functional and stylish!

Use this code at checkout: FREESHIP 

Happy shopping, lovelies!

Get Free Delivery with code FREESHIP at SweatyBetty.com

Free Shipping All Summer at Sweaty Betty

Summer has started and the heat is here to stay. 

It's a great time to shop for new yoga or swimwear. I recommend checking out Sweaty Betty... they have an amazing deal going on all summer where you can get free shipping on orders over $100!

Just use the code USAFREESHIP when you check out. Ooh la la!


Encourage Your Fellow Yogis

Photos via Pinterest.

I am learning a lot from running lately. Have you ever found yourself amazed at how your yoga practice translates into other disciplines?

The other day I was in the middle of a three-mile run, feeling a little tired.

Another runner, a guy much faster than me, passed me with a friendly, "Hello!" He raced on ahead, and I suddenly found myself inspired to go a little faster. I picked up on this fellow runner's energy, and it motivated me.

Later in the run, a passing bicyclist said, "Good job!" as he went by me in the opposite direction. 

I was amazed at how much a difference it made to have this little bit of encouragement from a total stranger.

Often when we come to yoga class, we're there for a personal experience. But the reality is, we're sharing our practice with other yogis, even if we never speak a word to each other. We're engaging in heartfelt community. Our positive energy can bring light to others.

My little reminder to you today is to encourage your fellow yogis while you're in class. Do it outside of yoga, too: whether you're participating in another sport, or simply respecting those around you in your everyday encounters, you're making a difference.

Truly, this is the meaning of namaste.

Sweaty Betty Mid-Season Sale

Photos via Sweaty Betty.

Starting tomorrow, Sweaty Betty is launching their mid-season sale. Some of their best sellers will be featured with savings up to 50% off.


Check out some of their featured sale products, which include sports bras, yoga tees, outerwear, dresses, yoga pants and more.


Their sales will be expiring on 3/25/13, so get shopping, yogis!



Photos via Rummey Bears and Pinterest

After three years of solid yoga practice, I've come to realize a lot of my progress derives from a willingness to play on the mat.

The only way you'll get to a point where you're willing to risk falling on your face in front of a crowded studio... is when you let go of the fear of making a fool of yourself.

Try out the pose.


We're all just playing when we come to class.

When you fall, laugh. Learn how to fall safely so you don't get hurt.

But more importantly: be willing to fall. :)

Rock Solid

Yoga requires focus.

Strength. Determination.

Not just the flexibility to put your foot behind your head.

I love the challenge of meditation. I'll get restless, twitchy, distracted. But in the perseverance, I learn. I begin to let go. 

In meditation, we train the brain to think differently.

Re-routing those neurons to fire in positive ways, rather than negative ones.

Are you missing your practice right now? You let it go and can't seem to get back to the mat?

Return. You deserve your practice. 

It's been waiting for you :)