Cooling Yoga Poses and Foods for Summertime
/Summer is heating up!
Here are a few simple yoga poses and cooling foods to help you stay balanced this season.
Cooling Yoga Practice
Focus mostly on supine poses (laying on your back), seated poses, and restorative poses.
Try Child’s Pose, Reclined Twist, or Legs Up the Wall.
Avoid heated classes if you are feeling dehydrated or sunburned.
Practice early in the morning or in the evening when it’s cool(er).
Listen to your body, move slowly, and take plenty of rest when you need it.
Cooling Foods for Summertime
Some of my favorite cooling, hydrating summer foods are watermelon, cucumber, cilantro, melon, coconut water, lime, and mint.
Fresh juices and fresh smoothies are awesome at this time of year. For a fresh green juice, I like to put spinach, cucumber, celery, lime, apple and orange. For a refreshing smoothie, I like mango, coconut water and kale.
Eat slowly and in a relaxing environment to support your body receiving its fuel. Notice if you are feeling angry or irritable and ideally postpone eating until you feel calm.
Consistent, regular mealtimes can be helpful at this time of year, as opposed to eating sporadically throughout the day.
For more great ideas, check out this post from Banyan Botanicals on staying cool and calm with an Ayurvedic summer diet.
What else is helping you stay cool this season?
Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.