A Yoga Pose for the Holidays: Savasana

What is your favorite yoga pose these days?

With the busy holiday season here, it's so helpful to make time for yoga. Today on Alive in the Fire, sponsored yogini Yani shares about one of her favorite postures,


(deep rest).

A favorite pose of mine is corpse pose, also known as Savasana. Not only is it a nice way to cool down from a flow, but it is a good way to ground yourself and let go. 

To get into Savasana, find a quiet and comfortable space, a place where you can go undisturbed for some time. Lie down on your back. 

Place your feet at hip-width apart, arms resting beside your body, palms facing up towards the skies. Feel your body on the mat, grounding yourself to the Earth below you, allowing your ankles to relax down toward the mat. 

Mentally scan the entirety of your body, from the tip of your toes to the top of your head. Bring awareness to the natural rhythm of your breath. Inhale, and exhale. With each exhale, allow a little more of your weight to fall onto the mat. Allow your jaw to relax. Give yourself permission to sink deeper into your mat, deeper into rest. 

If thoughts arise, allow them to float away—like a cloud passing through the sky—and draw your focus back into your breath. 

If your thoughts continue to run wild, focus on syncing a mantra with your breath. For example, use the mantra 

Sat Nam

, which means, 

the essence of me is truth; I am true.

 As you inhale, vibrate within, or think to yourself, 


. As you exhale, vibrate within, or think to yourself, 



You are safe to let go. 


Calling All Yogi Cyclists

Hi yogis! I hope your week is off to an awesome start.

So, I'm curious: do you ever bike to yoga class? Do you like to take cycling adventures on the weekend, so you can practice yoga in the park or take your mat with you on a hike?

Practicing outdoors is an amazing way to change up your practice, and connect inward without any distractions.

When Sponsored Yogini Kels and I heard about the new incredible invention called MyMogi, I was stoked. 'How has someone not created this yet?!' I thought, reflecting back on my days living in Chicago when I biked everywhere.

A perfect yoga mat carrying bag that connects effortlessly to your bike rack?!

YES. Yes. (Duh!)

I was excited for Kelsie to have the chance to try out the Mogi bag, and she absolutely loves it.

If you're a cyclist who loves yoga, or a yogi who wants to get more into cycling, this Mogi bag is definitely for you. I can think of several friends and fellow teachers who would adore this bag as much as any other yoga prop, so I'm setting my intention to share as many of these as I can!

Mogi is currently on Kickstarter and I encourage you to check out the brand and support a fellow entrepreneur who is out changing the world for the better.

A big heartfelt thanks from Alive in the Fire and the Sponsored Yogis team for sharing Mogi with the world, and cheers to all you cycling yogis out there who are going to love using Mogi!


PS Learn more about Mogi on their website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Have a Beautiful Friday!

You must love in such a way that the other person feels free.
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Wishing you a beautiful Friday from the team at Alive in the Fire! May your day and your weekend be inspired by love and light.

First photo by Ken Johnson of CKC Image. Second and third photos courtesy of Kelsie and Yani. 

A Beautiful Yoga Book

Hi friends!

What yoga books are you reading lately?

Sponsored yogini Kels recently checked out Letters from the Yoga Masters, which features the collected letters of Dr. Hari Dickman to the hundreds of yogis he corresponded with—including Swami Sivananda, Ramana Maharshi, and Paramhansa Yogananda. 

Today on Alive in the Fire she shares her thoughts on the book...

This jewel of a book is a fitting tribute to a great soul, offered lovingly by his dedicated student. 

Its a book you don't want to lose. Its passion, its love, its life and most of its words are written by some of the greatest yoga masters of the past. 

Hari, Hari Rickman, (whom you'll later be introduced to, well, sooner than later actually) devoted his life to the study of yoga. He once said, "I'm obsessed with yoga and Ill never get enough." Even as Hari was living in a displaced persons camp during the Second World War, he was studying and practicing yoga. 

One of my favorite scripts is on page 129 where he describes when he learned about Yoni or Shanmukhi Mudra. I really needed a good insight on concentration. The hand written letters that are exampled are engrossing and very intriguing. You have to see them for yourself! 

How fortunate that the yogic knowledge Dr. Dickman gained from many revered teachers has been preserved so carefully and faithfully that it can enrich the lives of many spiritual seekers who otherwise would never have known of him. Right?! 

Last snippet; page. 87 discusses Sitali and Sitkari which I think its great to learn, especially during the warm season because it quickly cools down the body. The breathe is so amazing. Literally. 

Namaste. Kels.

Don't Be Stinky After Yoga Class

Do you sweat a lot in yoga? Do you practice in a heated studio?

Well, this post is for you :) 

(And by the way, I do both of those things, too!)

Here are some ideas about how to refresh before and after a sweaty practice.

Come to class having showered and brushed your teeth. You can also do oil pulling or use a tongue scraper. 

Please refrain from eating pungent foods right before class, smoking a cigarette on the way in, or wearing unwashed clothes from the previous day's practice.

Simple saucha practices go a long way!

Use a yoga mat spray like Mat Mist. This amazing, aromatherapeutic spray comes in scents such as Sandalwood lavender geranium, Thyme Douglas fir, Lemon myrtle peppermint vetiver and Colloidal silver water.

What's especially rad about Mat Mist is that all you have to do is spray down your mat after class, roll it up, and go. The essential oils will disinfect your mat without requiring you to wipe it down, plus, next time you practice, there's a little scent there to awaken your senses and encourage deep pranayama breathing.

Sponsored yogini Kelsie recently tried the product... she took it to class and not only did she love it, but she said all the yogis around her loved it and were asking where they could find some :) She also sprays it around her house because it's that good (!!) and she loves that it is all organic and natural.

Shower right after class, and do a pre-rinse of your yoga clothes, towel, and headband before washing them in the washing machine. You can wring them out by hand and also consider having a laundry detergent with baking soda.

Once every few weeks, let your mat air out. Some mats do well in the sunshine and others don't, so be sure to check whether your mat should be left in the sun (you can usually find this info on the manufacturer's website, and I know for sure that Jade yoga mats do not like sun!).

What other things do you do to stay fresh before and after a yoga class?

Photos in this post by Tom Huynh.

Bringing saucha, one of the niyamas, into your life.

“The body is your temple.  Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

Energizing Snacks

What are the best foods for yogis to eat before and after class? 

This is a question I often return to, especially on days when I have intense, sweaty workouts and need to keep my energy levels up.

Recently lovely sponsored yogini Kels was given a chance to try some yummy GoMacro macrobars, and these may be our new favorite pre- and post-yoga snacks...

GoMacro loves flavor. Healthy, wholesome, flavor. They’re macrobiotic, meaning they’re made from wholesome ingredients. 

They are minimally processed and help you maintain health and balance in your life. 

Go Macro’s mantra is that if nature didn’t make it, they don’t use it in their bars. They’re delicious, nutritious and life-giving.

My favorites are the GoMaco Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and the Apple Walnut. Trust me on this one.

What snacks do you like to eat before or after a workout?

I'd love to hear! 

A heartfelt Namaste to the team at GoMacro and to Kelsie for sharing her review :)
Photos in this post courtesty of Kelsie and from GoMacro.

You're Invited to Join the Alive in the Fire Email Newsletter

Happy Monday, yogis! Hope you had a beautiful weekend.

I wanted to take a moment to invite you to join my email newsletter! :) Exciting times... it only took me 5+ years to get my act together as a blogger and get an email list going. Ha!

In all honesty, I would love if you join the list... you guys are the reason I write and you make this community what it is. :) I'll be sharing updates with recent blog posts, ideas for kicking your yoga practice into gear, info about my upcoming coastal yoga retreat (!!!), and other fun updates. There's a signup form below, and a spot in the sidebar at the right where you can always sign up.

Alive in the Fire Newsletter

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Thanks, as always for being a part of Alive in the Fire! Namaste.

Photos in this post by Brynna Bryant and Tom Huynh.

A Book for Finding Peace and Letting Go of Disappointment

Do you find it challenging to manage your expectations? How do you react when things don't turn out the way you hoped they would?

In her book Expectation Hangover, author and life coach Christine Hassler explores these questions and other ideas related to accepting disappointment, going through life transitions, and finding emotional healing. The book is filled with useful exercises, guided meditations and personal stories.

Today on the blog sponsored yogi Yani shares her review of the book :) Enjoy!

A Review of Expectation Hangover by Yani

I'm a person that fills her time with the many things she obsesses about and is passionate about. I'm also a person that is really bad at slowing down to read, drink warm lemon water, and kind of just slowing the fuck down (though sometimes I do love to relax, be a homebody, and kick it). Another note about me, I have a hard time finishing an entire book through- unless I have absolutely nothing to do, and can get lost in a new world. I read it part by part, slowly. I tend to read when it's calling me; I don't like to force a good read. 

Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself from Your Past, Change your Present & Get What You Really Want had been sitting on my glass table, along with a few other books, waiting to find their way in my to mind. I picked it up one day and carried it around with me so that when the moment called, I would be ready. I drove up to the DMV, without an appointment, grabbed the book in my AmeriCorps bag, and got lost in a new world while I waited in line and sat awaiting my number. 

As always, I read what was destined to find its way in to my mind. I felt moments of epiphanies; I felt my worlds coming full circle. One of the greatest lessons I took away from my short escape was: holding onto expectations is setting the heart and mind up for failure. Goals and ambitions are in place to guide you, but to expect is to put all your eggs in one basket. Create, have faith, and see what finds its way to you as a reality in your world. We have full control of ourselves, but limited control of life.  

In my reading I found a humbling mindset, a mindful way of being. It allowed me to make peace, let go, and ground myself. 

I love that this is an interactive reading, encouraging you to journal and reflect. I look forward to moving onward with this journey, and what this book shall reveal to me. 

One of my favorite quotes from the book:

"We all love control because the unknown is downright scary. In fact, I think control has become the master addiction. But the truth is we really don't have complete control over our lives, and nothing illuminates that truth more brightly than an Expectation Hangover."

Thanks, Yani, for your awesome review and a big thanks to the team at New World Library for offering the opportunity to check out this book. Namaste.

PS Learn more about the author Christine Hassler and check out her interview with Huffington Post about how to overcome falling short of your expectations. Or take her quiz to find out if you have an expectation hangover.

Instant Gratitude (And Yoga Books)

Photos courtesy of Yani.

One of my favorite parts about Alive in the Fire is that this blog has inspired me to read so many incredible yoga books! (And books about meditation, spirituality, relationships, cooking, and more.)

I'm grateful when I receive emails about new books that are coming out, or I have the chance to read them or share them with the Sponsored Yogis team.

We'll be sharing some book reviews soon, but first I just wanted to share this sweet quote from Yani. I emailed her to let her know to expect books in the mail, and this was her response...

My initial response, knowing that these books are on their way... instant gratitude. 

I love personal growth books. I geek out. I often feel that they arrive in my life at the right time, and I will be reading them at the right moment. 

I cannot wait to dig deep and allow this new information into my mind. 

What a beautiful thought, right? Instant gratitude. And, an openness to receiving new information at the exact right time.

Just had to share that with you guys :) 

Inspired Intentions

Hi, yogis!

Today I'm excited to bring you a new Sponsored Yogis series all about inspired intentions
Inspired Intentions

Do you have a habit of setting intentions? Or cultivating a certain quality during your morning meditation?

We've found it can be quite powerful to bring in an intention or mantra early in the day, either during meditation or even just driving in the car.

Here are some lovely inspired intentions from our Sponsored Yogi team:


Trust the moment. Be patient with the moment. Everything shall unfold. I'm learning to take things easy and be patient, even while I have a full and busy schedule.


My intention is to stay positive: today I'm feeling a little in the dark and blue. I'm looking for inspiration and trusting that I'll find it.


My intention is to rest. To be gentle on myself. If there are moments where I find myself having unreasonable expectations or hearing the thought creep in that says, 'I'm not good enough,' I will shift my perspective and let that BS go! (PS My favorite-ever response when I told Yani and Kels about this intention was Yani's reply: "Sometimes warriors need to become little angels and slow down for a bit." So true!!)

What are your inspired intentions this week, yogis?


Gratitude (Yogi Surprise November)

Photo by Tra Huynh of Two Twenty Photography.

My lovely yogis, how's November going for you? Are you staying grounded in gratitude?

I've been keeping the gratitude theme going around here at Alive in the Fire, and was excited to see that the team over at Yogi Surprise is doing the same :)

My box arrived this week and I did a little happy dance when I opened it up to find such amazing goodies. This box is my favorite box yet -- I loved absolutely every item in there. :) Thank you, Yogi Surprise team!

  • Yogi Surprise yoga sequence series card. Loved the poses focused on self-acceptance, generosity, and serenity.
  • Sibu Beauty sea buckthorn age defying eye cream. This stuff works great and helps make me feel pretty. Jess says, you're already pretty! haha ;)

Photo via Yuni.
  • Yuni Beauty instant shower sheets. These things are genius...they're not standard size wipes - they're big! So it's actually like having a little mini shower. Highly recommend for any other yoga teachers who sweat a lot and need to run from class to class. Also, they're very reasonably priced if you need to buy more after the Yogi Surprise ones run out :)

Feeling very grateful for the Yogi Surprise team for continually finding the best brands the health and wellness community has to offer!

If you haven't signed up yet, go get yourself set up for a mini vacation once a month. And if you need a gift idea for friends or family (or your favorite yoga teacher), this is the way to go!


Yoga for Kids

Photos courtesy of Elizabeth.

Have you ever practiced yoga with your kids? Have you ever considered teaching yoga to kids?

Today I'm honored to share sponsored yogini Elizabeth's reflections on teaching and practicing yoga with children. She is certified through Kidding Around Yoga and is offering a training in Nevada City, CA in early December for teachers who want to learn more about teaching engaging yoga classes to children. Check out the Facebook event page or www.kiddingaroundyoga.com for more info :)

Yoga for Kids
by Elizabeth

Changing the world one peaceful child at a time... I am a teacher and trainer of Kidding Around Yoga, and truthfully the best part of my job is leaving the kids getting lots of hugs, being called the Yoga Lady, and being told how much they love me.

Kids love Yoga! Every class is different with its own set of challenges and breakthroughs. Sometimes it seems like every child in the room just ate a pound of sugar and the energy is wild, and sometimes there are children who don't want to participate, but by the end of class, out of the corner of my eye, I catch them doing a pose.

Children have so much stress and pressure from the world; iPads, sports, school assignments, peers, friends, parents. We move children from one thing to the next without giving them the time they need to observe, process, and express what they feel. Kidding Around Yoga provides children a moment in their busy lives to be calm, present, mindful and be given tools for stress management all while hopping, skipping, jumping, dancing, singing, and OMing.

When we really pay attention, it's stunning how many of us as adults tend to breathe shallowly, or struggle to cope with stress, or feel depressed.

What if we taught our future generation how to be kind, mindful, how to breathe, and deal with stress? I bet our world would be much more peaceful.

Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing this beautiful post!

Yogis, please feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in an upcoming Kidding Around Yoga teacher training or have questions to pass along to Elizabeth.

Rooting Down (Yogi Surprise September Review)

Can you believe Autumn is almost here?!

I'm sitting here drinking the first cup of hot coffee I've had in ages, feeling grateful that the weather is starting to cool down :)

Today I received my awesome Yogi Surprise September box and the theme fits perfectly for this time of year: rooting and grounding down.

My favorites from this box are:
I also love that the box now includes a yoga sequence card with ideas for poses to help you get rooted down through the feet. If you're needing to get grounded, try this series of poses (photos included below):
  • Chair 
  • Warrior 1
  • Warrior 2
  • Triangle
  • Wide-Legged Forward Bend
  • Crane
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Photo by Jobi Otso.

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Photo by Brynna Bryant.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
Photo by Mark Knight.

Triangle (Trikonasana)

Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Photo by Justin Kral.

Crane Pose (Bakasana)
Photo by Jobi Otso.

May your start to fall be beautiful and inspired by a peaceful, grounded feeling in your body, mind and spirit!


Lovely Nails

Yoginis, do you paint your nails? :)

Today on the blog, a lovely review of some uniquely nail polish by Sponsored Yogi Valerie!

Today I indulged in some "me" time- a DIY mani and nature. Nail polish and nature? Yes! With FABY Nature nail polish I was able to be get great looking nails with nature's influences. 

The FABY Nature collection is inspired by nature and is made of 87% natural ingredients which are natural origin derived from the manufacture of wood, pulp, cotton, maize, cassava and other raw vegetable materials. 

It is not derived from petroleum and FABY products are cruelty free and never tested on animals. 

This chip resistant and long lasting polish is also free of formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate, toluene and camphor. 

I loved how this natural nail polish went on smoothly. After two coats and a top coat, my perfectly polished nails were good to go!

Yogis, what are your favorite nail polishes? 

Letting Go (Ishvara Pranidhana)

Today Sponsored Yogini Keyla shares a beautiful reflection on what it means to let go and how it is essential to the practice of Yoga.

Ishvara Pranidhana is a niyama related to letting go and surrendering to the universe.

This has been my theme lately. 

It can translate and mean so many things but for me it helps me with faith. For the past month or so, I've been training under someone who was taught by his uncle and grandfather in traditional/classical yoga, to him it's the correct and authentic form of yoga, all 8 limbs, not just asana which is what is mainly taught in most yoga studios. Yoga was something he grew up with the way I grew up with Salsa music and my grandmother teaching me my first steps of salsa in the kitchen. It was just my culture. Yoga is a way of life and his culture.

I’ve been looking for a teacher like him for some time now. I wanted to know what yoga was like for someone that grew up Indian. Something I would probably learn if I stepped into the country but let’s face it, I can’t make the trip right now. The timing fell right in place as it always does and I landed an awesome teacher that has helped my practice dramatically.
Every day I wake up at dawn and practice. I've never done this in my whole journey as a student and It's taught me so much! I remember in my 200 RYT thinking about being a “real yogini” and waking up at dawn like I was supposed to, to practice kriyas, pranayama and chant but I felt like it was so out of reach! I would never be able to do that. Well, I’m finally finding the consistent discipline in my self-practice and it’s been so effortless. It took me to shift a few things out of my life, but it happened gradually and almost magically.

I’ve always practiced but it was very spastic. I would practice at noon, or the evening, and sometimes would practice for 3 hrs. at 3 am. It was perfect for me at first because it worked with me but It was just all over the place. My free-spirited nature became somewhat of an issue though. It caused me to burn out; it lacked order and balance. My practice reflected it. It wasn’t a bad thing, it was just a mirror that I can look back at now and say oooooh, I was all over the place.

My schedule was extreme, and my classes burnt me out. Yoga wasn’t supposed to have that effect on me. 

It wasn’t the yoga that was the issue. It was me. My yoga practice revealed something very important. I needed balance and change. I needed more than just asana. From teaching 7 days a week for a whole year, I stopped. I dropped my classes, and sadly one class just ended up dropping me. After my favorite studio cutting me out of the schedule, It was time for me to center and work on my own practice. I re-defined my intention.

I'm not interested in having 500 students, and making a living out of teaching yoga. I'm also not interested in selling classes, or selling memberships. The reason why I teach is because I enjoy sharing my practice. 

I started teaching so that I could commit to my own practice, so that I could find more balance. The inspiration that comes from it is like nothing else. Watching people grow around me is what lights me up, and knowing that my light helped a seed sprout fills me up with joy. It is that very exchange that inspires me to move and teach.

It’s been months since I taught at a studio. I’ve come to a place where I was happily practicing on my own but my students have reached out to me. I missed them just as much as they missed me. Honestly speaking, I kept teaching like a mad woman for a whole year because I fell in love with my students and felt guilty for leaving them. Although I felt uncomfortable, and the vibe at a studio was conflicting with me, I stuck around. Then enough was enough. I put in notice and I left without letting my students know. I had no idea how to explain why I was leaving. It wasn’t until I left that students reached out and told me things that explained why I felt as uncomfortable as I did. In that particular situation, Another teacher was talking behind my back. Pure ugliness. What’s funny is that I stayed and thought it was me the whole time. I didn’t listen to my feelings and intuition. I wasn’t centered enough to have confidence in my feelings. I know now that I made the right choice in leaving.

As a teacher, the environment that you choose to hold space in is just as important as the class itself. A studio should feel like home. Like a sanctuary. A place for healing and reflection. When a yogic space is clouded by energies other than healing and comfort then it’s time to make some changes. Letting go of responsibility is a hard thing to do. It may be the right move, and it may not serve you anymore but as a teacher you start to feel like your students are your responsibility. 

Who will guide them if you don’t? What will they think about you if you gave up on your commitment to them and the studio? What if they follow you? Will the studio accuse you of stealing their “customers?"

After re-evaluating a bit and taking a lot of time, I picked out the perfect little meditation space and am ready to teach now. This time only one day a week, and not worried about numbers at all. 

Practicing Ishvara Pranidhana and letting go. 

If someone wants to show up, great, and if not, it’s OK. It’s on my own expense and it’s my own class. I have full faith that if it’s for me, things will flow and grow. I found an environment and a system that works for me and it was only until I let go of the fear of failing a studio and students that it fell into place. I re-defined the way that I wanted to teach and I plan to keep my practice as the number one priority. 

That’s the only way that I can continue to allow yoga to transform and balance out my life and mind. After all, that’s why I practice.

Thank you, Keyla, for this lovely post! Very inspiring for all of us who are teachers and students of yoga.

Note: In the photos above, Keyla is wearing a shirt from Twin Flame and a pair of leggings from Veda Sundara. Namaste.