Hey wonderful readers...I'm going through a hard time right now. For as much positive energy and pure light as I try to bring to this blog space at Alive in the Fire... sometimes, I am sad.
We all go through crazy stuff in life, and we come out the other side stronger. But at the time, obstacles can feel overwhelming. Goals, unattainable.
Stress & worry don't serve us, but we turn to them. (Perhaps at the time it's the only way we know how to cope.)
I have had my share of anxiety and suffering, that's for sure. :)
Would you do me a favor?
Send some positive love & light my way in the next few weeks.
Better yet, go ahead and share it with your close friends, too. Give more hugs. Smile because you can, not because you have to.
If you've stuck around at Alive in the Fire, hopefully you've noticed that one of my goals here is to make the world a brighter place because we all go through challenges... and we need each other to survive those challenges.
Whether you're a yogi in Chicago or New York City, a dancer in Sacramento, a massage therapist working in Kansas, a friend of a friend from London or Paris or Saudi Arabia...an engineer in South America... a reiki practitioner, a young person, an old person...
I'm so grateful for all of you. :)
I love you all and I appreciate so much that you take time out of your day to read my ramblings and check out the photos.
If you guys could send me your light, I'll feel it. Energy resonates. And I could use some of your positive energy these days. :)
So thanks in advance, and keep changing the world for the better! You inspire me as much as I inspire you.
om namah shivaya
PS if you're so inclined, you can always drop me a little digital hug via aliveinthefire at gmail dot com, too :) I adore hearing from you guys!