Darker Days

Photo via Pinterest.

The days are growing shorter. With winter right around the corner, I'm starting to think about new ways to stay sane while spending more time at home.

Bored? Too cold to go outside? Try one of these ideas.
  • Try a new art form. If you're a photographer, try paint. If you're a writer, pick up a piece of charcoal. Let yourself express freely, with no expectations.
  • Learn to meditate.
  • Sort through old photographs. Choose one that stands out to you and write a poem about it.
  • Research free events or local museums in your area. Invite your neighbors to join you on an adventure to a concert or gallery showing.

  • Plan a road trip somewhere you've never been. Or better yet (if you're like me), plan a bike trip.
  • Try a new flavor of tea every day this week.
  • Call a family member you haven't talked to in a long time. Thank them for a quality you appreciate about them. Remind them of why you love them.
  • Host a dinner party.
  • Host a yoga party.
Photo via Pinterest.

What are your go-to activities when the days are shorter?