Yoga For Busy Moms

Photos via Pinterest.

Yogini goddesses, I couldn't be more excited to share this beautiful guest post from health writer Virginia Cunningham with you today. Virginia shares her thoughts on why yoga is great for busy moms, the benefits of practicing, and advice on how to get started.

Being a mom is one of the most stressful jobs in the universe. It’s not just one full-time position, but at least five. Moms find it difficult to manage without acting on the urge to pull out all of her hair. It’s important for even the busiest mom to find some time for herself to relax.

Yoga is the perfect activity to manage your stress.

Why Should I Spend My Precious Time on Yoga?

-Quick Workout

Most workouts take at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week to see and feel any results. For somebody who works and deals with the needs of their kids, 90 minutes a week is a luxury she might now have. Some yoga workouts only require 15 minutes and you’ll feel results sooner.

-Stress Relief

Stress is a major cause of many health ailments, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. You owe it to yourself and your family to stay healthy. Yoga can lower your blood pressure by relieving you of the stress that weighs heavy on your shoulders.

Give Yourself Alone Time

As a mom, there’s always someone who claims to need your undivided attention. Being around people all day, every day, can eventually feel like a burden. If you don’t give yourself time to be alone, you could end up resenting the people you love most. Yoga can be the solitary experience you sorely need.

Teaches You to Relax

Relaxation is one of those essential subjects we never learned in school. The more work you have to do in a single day, the more tension builds up. Without learning to relax, you could find yourself with chronic aches and pains. Part of yoga is learning how to breathe and take time to relax. These are tools you can use in any situation when needed.

Energizes You

One long day of hard work can zap the energy from you for the whole week. Fifteen minutes of yoga in the morning just might be enough to kickstart your day in the right direction. You’ll have more energy during the day, which will make it easier for you to deal with whatever challenges life throws at you.

Yoga Tips For Beginning Moms

Plan Your Weekly Routine

Even if you decide on making yoga your new regular activity, it’s too easy to let time slip by you, therefore, you should plan for when you’re able to fit yoga in. Start by thinking about what time of day you’ll have the energy and time to devote to at least 15 minutes of yoga. If you choose the wrong time, you could end up too exhausted to participate.

Learn from an Instructor

Some yoga poses can be dangerous if you attempt them for the first time on your own. Learning yoga from a book might seem like a time and money saver; however, it will be more effective to learn from a trained professional.

Whether you go to a yoga class or buy an instructional DVD, it’s important to learn the basics from somebody trustworthy so you know that you’ll gain all the benefits from your yoga workout.

Listen to Your Body

Not every yoga pose is made for every person. People come in all different shapes, sizes and levels of flexibility. Anyone can participate in yoga, but some poses can be dangerous or uncomfortable. Let your body tell you what is comfortable and don’t try to force yourself.

Yoga is a very relaxing exercise that anyone, especially busy moms, should incorporate into their daily routine.

Virginia Cunningham is a freelance writer from Southern California whose writing specializes in a range of health topics, including personal fitness, family health and vitamins and supplements. She practices yoga each morning to get a kickstart for the rest of her day.

Thanks, Virginia, for such a great post! Namaste.