5 Daily Activities You Can Do While Practicing Yoga

Illustration via Pinterest.

Note: This is a guest post by yogi Alberto Güitrón

5 Daily Activities You Can Do While Practicing Yoga

Who hasn’t had one of those days when it’s hard to find time to catch your breath? I know I’ve been there. Sometimes it is challenging to relax and be mindful, let alone find time to get on the mat and practice a full yoga sequence.

But hey! We don’t have to be on a peaceful yoga retreat to practice. Because even surrounded by the constant hustle in which we live in, we all still have to take a shower, right?...I sure hope so :) We all still have to eat, sleep, get dressed, and go about our day. So, why not fit in some yoga during the activities we do each day?

These simple poses can help you create awareness, soften any muscles in your body that are tight, and help you keep a positive attitude.

Here are the five activities that can help you fit asana in, even during your busiest days:

Image source: Power Living

1. Practice yoga while taking a shower
I will share a brief personal story for this one. Before bringing yoga into my life, I used to find it hard to wash my feet. I had to balance leaning against the wall and grab my foot trying not to slip and fall. Until one day it occurred to me: Why don’t I try it in a Standing Forward Bend? Voila! Now I can easily reach my feet and wash in between the toes in Uttanasana without worrying about the slippery floor. Then, a Halfway Lift is ideal to wash the legs, and whenever I feel adventurous, I even try the Reverse Prayers Pose to reach my back with the sponge. I encourage you to do the same. Just pay attention to your breath or the water will run down your nose.

Image source: Storyteller Within.
2. Practice yoga while writing

Even if writing is not one of your main duties, I’m pretty sure almost everyone sends an email, writes a memo or just types on a laptop at least once a day. How about doing it while sitting in a Lotus Pose or a Hero’s Pose? Just put a flat surface on your lap to hold your notebook, laptop or whatever you’re using to write, and feel like a hero in your Virasana.

Also, if you’re on a chair behind a desk and are too shy to sit on the floor in the middle of the office, you can try to grab one ankle and bring it over the opposite thigh (something like a Figure Four but sitting down). Send the chest forward a little bit and feel the juices flowing in your hips and hammies without the shame of your coworkers staring at you.

Image source: Elemental Embrace.

3. Do yoga while reading

Since you are such a busy person, you may not have the time to read a good novel. However, there might be some boring reports waiting to be read. Motivate yourself with a Sphinx Pose! Grab those papers, lie on your stomach and put them in front of you. Enjoy the backbend and you’ll be done with the task way faster.

Image source: Yoga Shala.

4. Get dressed while practicing yoga

How about dressing up in a fun yoga-ish way? You can put on a t-shirt while transitioning from Warrior I to Warrior II, both arms would escape through the holes at the same time avoiding the usual struggle. You could adjust your shoes practicing Triangle Pose; and if you feel brave enough, you could even try to put on your pants in a Headstand... gravity will do most of the work.

5. Sleep and yoga

This one is easy. At one point you will have to sleep no matter how big of a workaholic you are. Therefore, go to bed in Shavasana, relax your body, focus on your breath and let your body move deeper until you fall asleep. You’ll wake up feeling fresh, energized and with no back or neck pain.

Now, those who claim not to have time for yoga have run out of excuses. And even if you do have time for your regular practice, these poses are fun to do and will help remind you to carry your practice with you no matter where you are.

Alberto Güitrón is a Community Manager at BookYogaRetreats.com. He is a committed yoga practitioner who still can’t touch the ground with his heels in Downward Dog. One day he’ll do it and he will probably write a story bragging about it.

What It's Like Being a Yoga Blogger and Teacher (An Interview with Candace)

Photos via Yoga by Candace.

How did you find yoga?
My mom brought me to Kripalu, a center for yoga and health in the Berkshire Mountains when I was 15. It used to be a monastery and it's this gorgeous, sprawling building with the most amazing energy. Back then, it was only $20 to take a class and spend the whole day there using the facilities and having a delicious lunch. Now, it's over $120 for the day!

What keeps you on your mat?
A connection to something deeper. I know that sounds a little out there, but my practice is like going to church. It inspires me, it fuels me, it motivates me, it nourishes me.

When did you know you wanted to become a teacher?
When I a kid, I used to make my brother play School with me. I was the teacher (obviously), and he had to be the student. I always, always, always wanted to be a teacher because I was inspired by so many great ones at such a young age (shout out to Mrs. Rutolo, Mrs. Neary, and Mr. Norris - my kindergarten, first and fourth grade teachers). When I started practicing yoga, I found a whole new love and another realization - that I could explain things to people in a new and innovative way. So I started a yoga blog after my teacher training with the hopes of sharing these ideas. I used my background (I have a Master's in Secondary Education) to create visual learning guides and explain things in simple ways.

What advice do you have for new yogis?
Let go of expectations for where you ought to be. So many people say they're not flexible enough or something similar. Not being flexible enough to do yoga is like saying you're too dirty to take a bath. New teachers? Always be a student first. Approach the class with the idea that it's for the students, not for yourself. Tune in to your best qualities and know what you can offer. Then find ways to infuse your gifts into the teaching of the class.

What has helped you grow your following on your blog, and in your teaching?
The secret to a successful blog is offering a solution to a problem. Identify a problem, help people, and they'll want to share it with their friends. That action of sharing is what will help grow a blog. In teaching, I've done one really important thing to grow my teaching: 1) Remain a student first. I try to take master classes and participate in in-depth study as much as I can. The more I learn, the more I can grow and share as a teacher.

How has yoga changed your life?

Ah that's a tough one! How hasn't it changed my life is probably more relevant, haha. Yoga has taught me so many things about how to handle challenging situations from anxiety to conflict to self-doubt. It's taught me self-acceptance, and the important lesson that everyone I encounter is doing the best that they know how so to take nothing personally. It's taught me that no matter where I find myself, and however stressed, angry or sad I might feel, the breath is the boss and it's always there to anchor me. It's taught me to breathe, relax, and let go. It's taught me discipline, courage, and strength.

Thanks, Candace, for your lovely insight! 

For more awesome yoga routines and inspiring blog posts, visit Yoga by Candace. Here are a few of my favorite posts:

Creating a Yoga Studio Space at Home

Have you ever thought about creating a sacred space at home where you can practice yoga or meditate?

I’ve always had the goal of clearing a spot where I can do my home practice.

No matter if your home is spacious or small, creating an at-home yoga space is a great thing to do. I’ve even seen beautiful little backyard areas and corners in the garage transformed into custom, calm ‘studios!’

Here are some tips from Dane O’Leary at the Modernize.net team about how to create a yoga space at home.

How to Create a Yoga Space at Home

Not only is yoga helpful in becoming physically healthy, but it's also great for your soul. 

Many people invest in gym memberships and expensive classes in order to master the art of yoga under the impression that having a yoga studio at home is too expensive or requires too much space to be realistic. However, just about anyone can have a yoga studio at home. Here’s how you can create a home yoga studio where you can balance body, mind and spirit.

Less is More

When it comes to a yoga studio, you don’t need much in the way of furniture and décor. In fact, most experts and yoga instructors will tell you that less is more. In your minimalist yoga studio, the most essential thing is just to have the space to practice.

Serene Seclusion

Ideally, your at-home studio space will have a door you can close, so that you separate yourself from the rest of your home (and any kids or pets that want to join you!). 

However, not everyone has the space available to designate a room for just yoga. A home office or spare bedroom — rooms that aren’t frequently occupied or are only occupied by you — are great for doubling as an at-home yoga studio.

The Space

To inspire serenity and tranquility, your yoga studio should feature calm, muted cool colors and warm cream colors. The color palette shouldn’t draw attention, but rather recede into the background. Lighting is also important. Installing a dimmer so that you have full control of your studio’s light would be optimal. Lamps with a three-way switch also give you more control over the amount of light.


Accessorize your yoga studio with things that will remind you of yoga and of your intent to improve your body and mind. Candles create a calming, serene environment and come in a variety of calming fragrances such as lavender, lemon, and jasmine. It might be a good idea to invest in a sound machine or an iPod dock you can use to play calming music. Potted plants are also soothing and therapeutic, lending themselves to the mood of your sanctuary.

Flea markets and yard sales are great places to find other treasures for your yoga studio. A trunk would be useful for storing your yoga supplies and a bookshelf or wall shelves would house candles, books, and inspirational items. You might consider hanging some posters, pictures, or artwork on the walls, but make sure they embody tranquility; things like ocean and beach scenes, Impressionist and abstract art are great for an at-home yoga studio.

Finish on the Floor

Professionals say that the floor of your yoga studio is perhaps the most important feature of your at-home yoga studio. Most recommend hardwood floors since they don’t get as cold as tile and other types of floors, they give a little while you move while being firm enough for support, and they won’t hurt your knees. Carpets are too soft and are poor for stability, but would be a good second choice.

Every yoga enthusiast needs a good yoga mat, perhaps more than one if you plan to ever have companions join you in your yoga studio. Large pillows and cushions also make for great floor seating as well. 

Head to Modernize.com for more home ideas and inspiration. 

Thanks, Dane, for these awesome ideas!

Photos via Unsplash.

PS How to create a space for hot yoga at home.


Photo by Justin Kral.

There is a person in your life who loves you.  This person loves you with all of their being.  

They are always on your side and they pray every day that you succeed.  You’re missing the beauties of life every time you’re too busy for this person.  

You’re giving up a little bit of your soul every time you choose work over this person.  Love them.  Call them now and make them laugh.

This post is from Brooklyn to Mars, a blog by Markus Almond. (It’s my new favorite blog, and I hope you’ll check it out for inspiration!)

Meditation (A Guest Post)

 Photos via Pinterest.

Today I’m honored to share a guest post by Marcia Keilen about the powerful practice of meditation. I first read Marcia’s work on Elephant Journal, and I loved her words about how yoga extends beyond asana. As she said, she loved yoga most for the way the time spent on the mat alone gave her access to her inner wisdom.

Marcia explores that even further in this reflection on how meditation has allowed her to wake up to her life in ways she never imagined were possible.

Meditation: My Personal Journey
By Marcia Keilen
This is my personal story about the transformational power of meditation.

My experience meditating started out many years ago, sometime during the 1990s. I had been attending some yoga classes on and off when I first became interested in the subject of meditation. Since I lived in a small, rural community, my best resources were books. I read books on mindfulness meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn and Sharon Salzberg. I practiced the suggested meditations and did this for a while, but was not consistent with my practice. This was a pattern that would continue on and off for a number of years as I just didn’t know how to fit a meditation practice into my life.

In 2004, I went through a 200 hour teacher training program and started my journey as a yoga teacher which continued with me finishing up the 500 hour yoga teacher training in 2007. It was during the advanced part of my teacher training that I was introduced to some more meditation techniques. I then met a Buddhist minister who taught me some guided meditations. This seemed to keep my interest a bit longer than my previous experience but still my meditation practice was rather erratic.

Then in the year 2009 I found myself at a crossroads in my life. I was really struggling and my life continued to spiral downwards. Actually, this was a continuation of a pattern that started years before, only I was not aware of just how confused and lost I had become.

The following quote pretty much sums it all up:

“In the middle of the journey of our life
I found myself within a dark woods
Where the straight way was lost.”
~ Dante Alighieri

I then began searching for some type of retreat I could go to that would not only detox me on a physical level but on an emotional level, as well. Also, something that would reconnect me with my spiritual roots and help me rediscover my authentic self. I took to the Internet and did several searches. The one place that caught my eye was the Chopra Center for Well Being in Carlsbad, CA. They had a program called Perfect Health and there was an option of doing a 10 day program. I thought, “Why not?”

I signed up for the program that started end of August and ran into September. Little did I know at the time how transformational this part of my journey would be. 

I arrived at the Chopra Center for Well Being and the very first part of the program was learning a meditation technique called Primordial Sound Meditation. My teacher was a man by the name of Davidji and everything he said about his own exploration of different types of meditation immediately resonated with me. I thought finally, a meditation technique that I can stick with and apply in my daily life. He took all the mystery and myths out of what a meditation practice is. That 10 day program released so many toxins out of me physically and emotionally. I really struggled on an emotional level, something that took me by complete surprise. The Perfect Health program is an Ayurvedic program called Panchakarma. The following information is taken from the Chopra Center for Well Being website describing this program:

“Several times each year, we offer a 10-day Perfect Health program that includes panchakarma, an elegant Ayurvedic cleansing process that releases accumulated toxins and stress from the mind-body system. You will receive daily panchakarma therapies and massage treatments tailored to your unique mind-body constitution. Your healing arts master will select specific essential oils and natural herbs to purify and nurture you at the deepest cellular level.”

I spent a lot of my time crying and releasing deep emotional wounds, essentially I was a basket case all 10 days. I am so grateful for Dr. Valencia Porter who took time to talk to me one on one as I struggled with so many overwhelming emotions. The Ayurvedic treatments were very nurturing and I felt I was in a safe space to just allow the whole process to unfold in the most advantageous way. There was a small group of us going through this program who really bonded during this time and I will be forever grateful for their support. But essentially it was up to me to do all the necessary inner work.

What really struck me was how much the meditation became the biggest gift I took away with me from this program. I immediately signed up for Seduction of Spirit, the signature meditation program of the Chopra Center. This was going to be held in August of 2010 in Sedona, AZ. In the meantime, I continued practicing my meditation on a regular basis.

Since some of the benefits that we take out of meditation include reduced stress, making more conscious choices, being less reactive, more compassionate, less judgmental, to name a few, I was hopeful that my life would now turn around. Well, it did, just not in a way I had expected.
Looking back it seems that my pattern was to prove to everyone that I was unlovable, not good enough, didn’t deserve people in my life who treated me well, and the list goes on, but this is essentially how I felt. So, I hit rock bottom in 2010 and found myself in the underworld trying to find my way back into the light. Also, during this time I had a serious lower back injury that laid me up for about eight weeks which I felt was a culmination of my feelings of inadequacy and lack of self love. At the time it was hard for me to understand how this could happen after integrating a regular meditation practice into my life. But now I see that my meditation practice actually allowed me to be aware of what I was doing, something that had not happened before. In the midst of the chaos a light bulb went off and I finally gained insights that my behavior was completely out of sync and counter to my authentic self. This was a time of self-discovery and the life long pattern was finally broken. 

I then continued going to several more Chopra events and finally went through the Primordial Sound Meditation teacher training which makes me a certified meditation teacher. My regular meditation practice has brought many gifts into my life. Not that I am perfect now by any means but I am living a life of integrity and being true to my values. I credit my meditation practice for helping me choose the healers that have been exactly what I needed at each critical point in my life. 

As I continue on my meditation journey, I have discovered more and more synchronicities in my life and I am learning to be more self loving and self forgiving. As I heal and become more loving and compassionate towards myself, I am then able to spread more love and compassion out into the world. The healing of our world really does start with our own inner healing and connection to our authentic self.

My meditation practice also has helped me to develop a sense of gratitude and inner peace. I am truly grateful for all the many teachers who have come into my life, the ones who had my best interest at heart and even those who didn’t. In fact the latter were probably my best teachers and taught me the life lessons that I needed the most in order to become who I am today. My meditation practice is an ongoing journey and every day I approach it with no particular expectations, just allowing it to unfold and trusting the process. This is also what I take out of my practice into my everyday life.

My practice is what keeps me grounded and allows be to connect to the highest aspect of myself. In the moments of stillness between thoughts is where I find my deepest insights, my authentic self, inner wisdom and inner peace. I am forever grateful.

Marcia Keilen is a yoga teacher, meditation teacher, but mostly, she is a student of life and all the lessons that it has taught her and continues to teach her. She is finding that nothing heals more than love, that in the final analysis, all that matters is love. You can reach her at azkeilen@yahoo.com.

Thanks again, Marcia, for the inspiration to make time to sit in meditation! Wishing you much peace and happiness.