Six Ways to Get To Know Yourself Better

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Today on the blog I’m excited to share a guest post focused on discovering YOU… what makes you happy, why you do the things that you do, and how you can heal and grow.

It’s not always easy or comfortable to sit down and reflect inwardly, but it’s so worth it!

I’d love to hear which ideas of these resonate most with you. Namaste.

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6 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

In this increasingly busy world it can be difficult to figure out who you are and what you want from life. Getting to know yourself better is not only the key to finding success, but it’s also the key to finding inner serenity and happiness that will help to guide you through life. It’s worth it to clear time in your schedule and give yourself the space you need to work out answers to your questions.

Here are some tips to help you dive deep.


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1. Read Something Different

Changing up what books you have on your bookshelf can be a great way to open your mind and avoid getting stuck in a rut. It’s great if you love to read romance or crime fiction - a lot of the time these things can be intensely comforting and satisfying. Likewise, if you like to read non-fiction and fill your head with useful facts about the world, this can make you a well-rounded person who’s great to have at a dinner party. But it’s a good idea to expand your horizons a little, and if you’re a reader, this is a great place to start. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be hard; investing your time and energy in a book you may not enjoy can feel like a leap of faith. But if you check out book recommendation lists or talk to a bookseller at your local indie bookstore about what you already enjoy, you might just find something that will help you contemplate the world in a slightly different way and awaken another part of who you really are.


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2. Spend Some Time Alone

Learning to be alone is a vital part of figuring yourself out. Not everyone enjoys being alone. You may be who can’t handle spending a night at home alone and who gets freaked out at every little noise, and that’s totally okay! But taking yourself to a movie that nobody else you know is interested in, or taking your book to a coffee shop or out to lunch, is a great way to take a breather and to let yourself be alone with your thoughts. Treating yourself like a friend or a date is a great way to practice treating yourself with kindness in all areas of your life.


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3. Ask Yourself Questions

A lot of the time, we can find our own reactions baffling. Maybe an ex is getting married who you thought you were completely over, and you find yourself unexpectedly shaken up by it. It doesn’t mean that you’re still desperately in love with them. Interrogate your feelings gently to figure out what the issue is. Is it the person that you miss? Is it security? Is it a certain quality of the person that you valued highly? Is it passion? Are you unhappy that you aren’t in the same place in your life? Let yourself feel your emotions and then once they’ve passed, take a moment to carefully dissect them. Asking yourself questions about the way that you feel and your reasons for feeling that way can help you find the core truths that are important to you.


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4. Try Astrology

You might not think that astrology is for you, but what does it hurt to give it a try? Astrology can be a helpful tool as you seek clarity. You don’t have to fully dive in or to let your entire life be ruled by what the stars are saying, but it can be extremely helpful to read your star chart on a site like Ask Astrology and to figure out how and where it applies to you, which qualities of your own that you value, and which you’d like to improve on. There might be job suggestions that you hadn’t thought about before, and thinking about your own possibilities in a different way might help you work out what you really want. Likewise, tarot and palm readings can help you to look at your life in a way that you might not otherwise have grasped.


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5. Get In Touch With Your Body

Your body is one of your most valuable tools in this life, so it’s important that you’re as in touch with it as you can possibly be. It’s easy to get out of shape if you’re busy and you don’t have time to get to the gym or eat healthily. Likewise, it’s easy to start treating your body like a machine, pushing on when you’re running on the treadmill and ignoring a nagging ache in your knees, or restricting yourself to a certain amount of calories even when you’re extremely hungry. Listening to your body is the best way to be healthy. If you’re full, you don’t need to finish the food on your plate. If you’re tired, it’s okay to skip your spin class and to have a night on your couch with a blanket and Netflix. A lot of the time, more holistic exercises such as yoga and pilates can help you understand the way that your body works.Your balance, posture and core strength will all be improved, meaning that it will be easier for you to connect your body with your mind and do what makes you the happiest and most comfortable.


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6. Find a Therapist

Speaking to a therapist isn’t just for people who have had trauma in their lives or who have diagnosed mental health issues (although it is great for them!). Therapy is for everyone. No matter how much you talk to your friends and family, speaking to somebody impartial is a great way to work out how you respond to various situations and whether those responses are completely healthy. Therapy one of the best possible ways to get to know yourself a little better so you can work out how to be kinder to yourself.

The most important thing to remember is that your own happiness should be what you strive for. You can only give to others once you have given to yourself, or you’ll end up running out of energy. Getting to know yourself is the best way to be able to be productive, active, and healthy.

Top two photos of me by Brandon Johnson.