5 Way to Make Your Workout Awesome

Simple steps go a long way to help make your workout awesome. Try these tips to get great results, stay healthy and prevent injury.

When you first get started at the gym, there’s a lot to think about. Start small and work into your routine methodically and slowly. Here are some steps that will help you to get the best out of your workout.

Warm-up before

If you decide to go straight into lifting weights or playing a sport without warming up properly, you are not doing everything that you can when it comes to preventing sports injuries. Even if you only do a short warm-up, it will ensure that your body has the chance to prepare itself for what it is about to do, including increasing your body temperature and your range of motion. 

Dynamic stretches are a great way to warm up your body.

Stay hydrated

Especially if you’re doing a sweaty workout, be sure to prioritize water intake. It can be helpful to bring a water bottle with you throughout your day. Keep in mind the amount of water you drink leading up to your workout and after exercising are as important as sipping water throughout your training.

Focus on form

Consider hiring a trainer and/or working out with friends who can spot you. Form is key in order to receive all the benefits of your hard work and protect yourself from injury. Proper form helps you target the muscle groups you want to train so you are more efficient each time you go to the gym. Proper form also helps you prevent muscle strains and tears, back pain, and joint problems.

Cool down afterward

Taking time to cool down is important, even if you feel tired at the end of a big workout. Static stretches or a few minutes of yoga are both great ways to cool down. Hold each stretch or pose for at least 15 seconds and do them while your muscles are still warm.

Give your body rest time

Recovery! Give yourself time in between workouts in order to allow your body to repair muscle and move through soreness, and alternate between different areas of the body. You’ll progress quickly if you plan your workouts intelligently. If you do feel like you’re overworking yourself, consult with a trainer to learn more about how to create a workout plan that includes the right amount of recovery time.

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