Yoga at Lake Tahoe (And Falling More in Love with My Life)
I am a big fan of taking my practice out of the studio. Often being in a new location can bring new perspective. When I am
in nature
, I feel more grounded, more connected to the heart of my practice.
I see my yoga with clear vision.
I am not caught up in the little habits that come with a familiar class.
I allow myself to move freely through the postures, listening for what my body needs.

Yesterday I hiked down a little path not far from Hidden Beach at Lake Tahoe and rolled out my mat on the pine needles. I had an amazing view of the water.
I sat on a flat rock, breathing, letting my mind settle.
I meditated on the power and beauty of the physical world. I let my heart fill with gratitude for the chance to be present in such a gorgeous place. I did not hurry to move from stillness into the postures.

I slowed down my flow between postures, pausing to notice alignment. I let each breath be full and deep, feeling the difference from the elevation and the subtle smell of pine and water.
The sound of the lake lapping at the shoreline.
The sunlight falling through the trees.

I am grateful for days like these, when the yoga feels natural, grounded, true.
I am grateful to wake up sore the next day, my muscles reminding me of the efforts I made, reminding me that I am strong.
Over and over, I am falling in love with this experience we call
. Yoga simply teaches me to hold a perspective that is peaceful, loving, aware, grateful.
At the end of a practice like yesterday's, my heart full and my head clear, I realize: the asana is simply a way for me to fall even deeper in love with my life.

Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.