3 Ways to Build Confidence as a New Yoga Teacher
/Confidence comes with experience. In general, the more you teach, the more confident you’ll feel about teaching (just like with any life skill). So, is it possible to fast-track confidence when it comes to leading your students? Here are some ideas that can help.
1. Adopt a growth mindset.
Approach everything as a learning experience. This transforms every challenge into a gift and helps you stay positive. Notice when you are dwelling on things you want to change about your teaching. Focus instead on where you’re going rather than where you are currently.
Also consider: Are you being rigid? Are you being harsh with yourself? How can you open your mind to new possibilities and reframe ‘mistakes’ so that they are a springboard for growth?
A growth mindset requires getting comfortable with uncertainty and taking ownership. Show up fully and allow the process.
2. When you feel a lack of confidence, dig deeper.
Feeling a lack of confidence can be overwhelming and can send your thoughts into a tailspin. Watch for negative thought patterns in your mind. If you find yourself repeating a negative thought, take a break. Do something else. Shift your focus.
Notice the behavioral patterns, too. What causes you to feel a lack of confidence? Is there a repeated situation that keeps coming up? What do you do when you feel a lack of confidence? What does a lack of confidence bring up for you or remind you of from your past experiences? Dig beneath the surface and see what you find.
3. Commit to a specific area of growth and track your progress.
What do you want to feel especially confident in? Is it an area that you struggled with during training, or perhaps something that you’re passionate about? Maybe you struggle with mirroring poses to the class or feel like you easily lose track of time when you’re teaching. Or perhaps you feel a lack of confidence with remembering students’ names or remembering how to use the front desk computer to sign students in before class. Or maybe it’s a certain pose you want to improve your cues on. Whatever it is, get specific.
Write down what you’re feeling now and how you want to feel in the future. Keep notes. Check in after each class to see how it’s going. The more honest with yourself you can be, the more illuminating this exercise will be for you.
PS It also helps to find stellar resources to support you in your early days of teaching. I suggest:
A mentor (another teacher who has a lot of experience)
A community group for support— other teachers in your area or online
Someone outside of your yoga group who can give you honest, straightforward feedback on your teaching (this person can be totally new to yoga, too!)
Books, blogs, and other sources of inspiration
A yoga script, if you’re struggling to remember what to say
Calling all yoga teachers! This yoga script and series of Savasana meditations is designed to help empower you and take your teaching to the next level. This 45-page workbook includes:
A full script for a grounding power Vinyasa class including poses for:
Integration/ warm up
Sun Salutations
Warrior Series with Balancing and Grounding Poses
Standing Balancing poses
Twists and Forward Folds
Savasana cues
8 Savasana Meditation Scripts you can read to your students
Creative ways to start and end yoga classes
How to prepare yourself and reduce nerves before class
Exactly what to say when you begin teaching - what to remind students of and how to begin class
Ideas for beginning class with movement, meditation, breathing or a theme
How to end a yoga class smoothly and transition students out of Savasana
How to modify the sequence for a 60 minute time frame (as opposed to 75 or 90 minutes)
Here’s what yoga teachers are saying about the GROUNDING POWER YOGA SCRIPT:
“I used to struggle with figuring out what to say while students were in Savasana at the end of class. It just felt awkward and I wasn’t sure if I should stay quiet or guide them. Now I just read one of the meditations. Now students come up to me after class and say how they loved it!” -Leslie, Vinyasa yoga teacher
”After my yoga teacher training, I was actually still confused about how to sequence a class. I felt really scattered. This script helped me feel prepared and gave me a good structure and framework. Super helpful!” -Christina, power flow yoga teacher
“This script helped me get rid of so much stress around teaching. Thank you.” -Sam, power vinyasa teacher
Are you a new yoga teacher working to build your confidence? This 40-page e-book brings you practical, hands-on advice from over 25 experienced yoga teachers on how to kickstart your career, overcome imposter syndrome, receive feedback, and improve your skills. The book also includes 10 powerful meditations to help calm your nerves and ground your energy before class. Other topics include:
How to create kick-ass sequencing
How to get off your mat more while you teach
How to stop comparing yourself to other teachers
How to overcome burnout
How to create inspired social media content
How to decide if a class is worth starting or keeping
Are you ready to let go of imposter syndrome and find new levels of confidence as a yoga teacher? Begin here!
On why I was inspired to name this blog Alive in the Fire.