Making Changes
/Change doesn't have to take a long time or be extremely difficult— if you have the right mindset. When you take radical ownership for your choices, you can create accountability in THIS moment.
My suggestion? Start SMALL. What's the one thing you can do TODAY without any delay that will help you move in a positive direction? What's a change so small that you have no excuses not to do it?
Last year, I made some powerful changes that transformed my physical health. Manageable, incremental, baby step kind of changes.
With my running practice, I started with one mile at a time, walking when I needed to catch my breath.
At the gym, I chose the lightest weights to start off with. On days when I could only do 5 pushups before hitting failure, I did 5.
At the grocery store, I passed up one item of processed food and instead chose to buy some greens to throw on my plate. No crazy overnight diet, nothing extreme, just small upgrades on a weekly basis.
I started going to bed earlier and getting up 5 minutes earlier.
I started meditating.
Eventually, all of these changes have added up to a big transformation. More confidence. More self-esteem. A more mindful approach. The ability to trust myself and act decisively in a new and powerful way. I feel stronger, more fit, and more balanced than ever before.
If you’re struggling to get started— or you’re feeling fearful that you’ll fail to stay consistent and meet the goal you want to achieve— make your first step a smaller step. Break it down.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.