Protect Your Lower Back


Lower back pain is a common and frustrating experience for many of us. Here are a few ways to care for your spine.

Build core strength

Your core muscles are vital to the good health of your spine.

Yoga is a great option, or you might try exercise ball therapy or Pilates. Working one-on-one with a trainer is a great way to achieve the results you desire.

Make sure you have an ergonomic chair in the office

If you work in an office, or anywhere else that you will be required to sit down for long periods of time, finding a chair that is ergonomically designed can make a huge difference.

Spend more time standing

Even better than sitting is to incorporate a standing desk into your office space!

Strengthen your glutes

Exercises for stronger glutes can help you create the stability you need to support your low back.

Stretch out your hamstrings

Tight hamstrings can increase the pressure on your lower back and pelvis. So. by stretching them out regularly, you can protect your lower back and pelvis, as well as your hamstrings, and get rid of various bodily aches and pains at the same time.

Just be aware that not every hamstring stretch is good for the lower back, so it is always worth checking with your physiotherapist yoga teacher or whoever is instructing you first because you might need a little modification to make it safe, comfortable, and effective.

Eat more anti-inflammatory foods

Inflammation in the body is a prime cause of back pain. For those who struggle with inflammatory arthritis this can be even more uncomfortable.

If you are experiencing this kind of back pain, something that can really help is to eat anti-inflammatory food like:

  • Turmeric 

  • Olive oil

  • Leafy green vegetables

  • Berries

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Omega-3 oils

Learn the right way to lift

Technique is important with any amount of weightlifting. Start small, learn the right way, ask a trainer for help, and watch a demonstration before lifting anything so you can avoid making a wrong move and can keep your back safe.

Keep moving

Regular movement and mobility routines will help you remain healthy and pain free.