The World Needs You


The pain we go through can become a light for others around us who are feeling lost. The pain we go through shapes us into more compassionate, understanding, loving humans.

The key is that we have to step forward with courage and SHARE our stories, letting go of any guilt, shame or fear.

I'll readily admit that stepping into the spotlight with my newest book has often felt uncomfortable and vulnerable, and you know what? I'm glad to do it.

I will continue to, even when it is not easy.

Because if what I've been through can help one other person turn from darkness and heal, then I know I'm on mission. I'm not here to stand on the sidelines and hold back.

You aren't either. We are here to live, and to connect, and to help each other along the way. Our stories matter and we are here to tell them.

If you have a book in you, now is the time to buckle down and get to work. To get the pages ready and out the door. To ask for help if you're stuck. If you're like me, this will challenge you— to step forward and be seen.

But what else are you here for?
