The Power of a Daily Morning Walk
/Lately I’ve been starting my day with a 20-30 minute walk, and let me tell you:
It has been life-changing!
I’m amazed at how what just a few minutes of getting outside and moving can do for me.
I’m able to set the tone for my day.
I feel awake and alive.
I’m filled with joy and gratitude at all the small, beautiful things around me.
I see goodness.
I see positivity.
I feel my connection to the earth and to the season.
My body feels good.
My mind feels calm.
All of this, and more!
For the past few years, I’ve focused my workouts on running and lifting weights, and have enjoyed that immensely (and still do). But I’m finding something so powerful about these short, uplifting walks, too.
The pace is slower.
There’s no strain on my body.
There’s no struggle.
And yet, I’m gaining so much!
I can feel how the effortlessness of an early morning walk sets the tone for the rest of my day to be peaceful, easy, and fun.
My heart and lungs feel great.
My legs feel great.
I’m clear, focused, and present.
When is the last time you went for a gentle, easy, fun walk?
Try it out.
Just get your shoes on and get out the door and see where the day takes you.
Let yourself be guided.
Observe your neighborhood or a nearby path with fresh eyes.
Let yourself be inspired by what you see and how you feel.
Be refreshed simply by the practice of getting outside and enjoying the day. :)
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.