6 Ways to Move Forward on a Task You're Avoiding
/We’ve all been there:
I can’t seem to get started.
I’m overwhelmed by everything on my to-do list!
The chores and tasks keep piling up.
I’m bored and feel restless but can’t seem to accomplish anything.
I feel stuck with my creative project, new goal, or upcoming deadline.
There is hope for breaking out of your slump!
Whether you’re stalled from feeling strong emotions, reacting to a setback or unpleasant interaction at home or at work, or even something you can’t quite put your finger on— take heart. You can kickstart your progress by trying one of these ideas.
Go For a Walk
Walking gets your blood flowing and increases your heart rate. It helps you practice mindfulness as you observe the sights, sounds, and smells around you. It helps to dissipate unpleasant restlessness. There is even evidence that moving your eyes back and forth, as you tend to do when looking around on a walk, can improve creativity and memory.
Boost Your Energy
An afternoon caffeine pick-me-up from a cup of coffee or tea, or a bit of chocolate, can go a long way on a day when you’re struggling to get moving. While I only recommend this in moderation, it can be a nice treat once in a while. There are also stimulants found in various natural substances, such as Ginkgo Biloba, American Ginseng, Cordyceps, and Gotu Kola that might help. If it is still early enough in the day that it won’t interfere with your sleep, a mild stimulant can help give you the focus to turn your restless energy productive.
Read A Motivational Quote
It may sound a bit cheesy, but your web browser will keep a secret if you will. Looking up motivational quotes can give you just the push you need to focus on your dreams and goals, and prompt yourself into action.
Write in Your Journal
Journaling about your thoughts and feelings can help you identify why you are in a slump in the first place. Sometimes just knowing what is getting you down enables you to shake it off. It is also beneficial to practice gratitude journaling. List 3-5 things for which you feel grateful. Then, expand on one of them in your journal. Chances are, you will have a better mindset when you finish.
Establish SMART Goals
Sometimes we are in a slump because we aren’t quite sure where to start working on our goals. They seem enormous, and the path forward is unclear. One of the best techniques to find the way forward is to figure out the objectives or smaller steps that will lead you to your big, long term goals. Then make each of those objectives SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Make a Vision Board
A vision or dream board can be specific to a goal or dream, or more general, with content that inspires across many areas of your life. Your vision board can be on paper, digital, or on a platform like Pinterest. And, of course, you can make as many as you want. Use it to highlight your goals and dreams, the steps to getting there, and why you want to achieve that goal or live that dream.
For more ideas, check out this post on how to stay inspired.
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.