Earth Goddess Retreat: A Dreamy Kundalini Yoga Experience in California

Have you ever been on a yoga retreat? Or thought about trying one?

I’ve recently been connecting with powerful women from around the globe who host incredible experiences to facilitate healing, growth, and transformation.

I’m honored to tell you today about the Earth Goddess Retreat.

It’s being hosted August 15th to 18th, 2024, by Malia Carvalho, The Kundalini Coach, and Chef Michel Franco of Ground and Tender Long Beach.

This women’s retreat is located in the Santa Monica mountains of California and will include four days and three nights of connection, growth, embodiment and play. The retreat includes community and connection through kundalini yoga and tantric movement, breathwork, cacao ceremony, sound healing, music, and dancing. It also features all organic food, healing workshops, crafts, outdoor exploration, and pool and hot tub time. Yes, please!

This one caught my eye because of how grounding it seems like it will be. 2024 is a year for grounding and we are currently in Taurus season, which is all about love, abundance, and enjoying the simple pleasures in life (and throwing in a touch of luxury, too!)

If you’re looking for a unique, grounding, luxurious experience this summer, I say check out this yoga retreat!

If you've been craving a space where you can slow down, let go, and reconnect with your inner self, the Earth Goddess Retreat is the perfect place to do that. With Malia's healing energy and Michel's nourishing cuisine, you'll come away feeling deeply cared for. The blend of Kundalini and yin yoga, meditation, live music, and the chance to soak in a hot tub under the stars—all in a beautiful setting surrounded by avocado orchards—sounds truly magical. You'll connect with other women ready to let their guard down and be embraced by the supportive sisterhood this retreat offers. It's a sacred space to remember your own light and feel empowered to step into your purpose with clarity and confidence.

Malia Carvalho has a background in the healing arts including 13 years as a certified massage therapist (specializing in prenatal massage), 7 years as a yoga instructor, specializing in Kundalini and yin yoga and 8 years as a sacred ceremony guardian, facilitator and medicine music musician. She also has a certification as a psychospiritual integration coach and is certified through Ashley Turner's yoga psychology program Yoga.Psyche.Soul.

Chef Michel Franco is a highly skilled and innovative culinary expert based in Los Angeles. Born in Mexico, Michel learned to cook as the oldest of six children, taking on the responsibility of feeding her siblings while her parents worked. Her passion for cooking stems from a deep desire to love, care for others, and bring healing through food. Under her business Ground and Tender Long Beach, works as a chef for high end retreats, weddings and events, a personal chef with celebrity clientele and is the head chef for a rehabilitation facility. Michel not only offers visually artistic, delicious and healthy plant based cuisine on her retreats, but also offers her energetic medicine of nurture, kindness and teaches connection on how we nourish our body temples.

The Earth Goddess retreat coming up in August 2024 will be held in a stunning private residence in the Santa Monica mountains, California surrounded by avocado orchards and green hills, with lots of space for movement, meditation, dance, live music and sound, reflection, relaxing pool and hot tub time and play with fellow sisters. Space will be limited to 10-15 attendees to keep intimacy and individual attention strong and to ensure each participant's intentions are honored and reflected in the flow of the experience.

This retreat is called the Earth Goddess Retreat; while the first Goddess Retreat was held in this series in October 2023 was themed by the Moon (the harvest moon at the time) and honoring phases and changes, this one is about connecting deeply with our own nature so you can first connect with your natural surroundings, become aware and take care of your environment so you may both nourish your inner spirit and leave a trail of health and beauty behind for our communities and the next generation.

Both Malia and Michel feel a strong calling to guide women in awakening their creative centers, Shakti Kundalini energy, not only healing past personal and societal sexual trauma, but fully thriving in divine embodiment and experiencing the deep personal power of their feminine nature. Malia teaches embodiment practices as "beauty rituals", guiding women in experiencing true beauty as the light that shines from the inside out. Her passion lies in the hope that every woman on earth may see this light she holds.

Malia and Michel are both mothers of two baby girls; Malia has a three month old baby Angeli (pronounced On-ja-lee, from Anjali, meaning prayer in Sanskrit) and Michel has an 18 month old baby Koa, meaning strength in Hawaiian. Their work is connected to their prayers that their daughters will grow up in a society where sisterhood is the foundation of community and their natural gifts of womanhood are revered.