When You're Overwhelmed
/When things get overwhelming, it’s easy to shut down.
To give up, abandon our goals, cancel our plans.
It’s easy, in those highly emotional moments, to give in to the voice that says, “I don’t know how to do this. I can’t.”
But what if there is another way?
What if we could learn to cope with stress, unexpected changes, and setbacks by seeing them as opportunities for growth?
What if the overwhelm could be a cue for us to lean in instead of run away?
I find it’s no accident that during the week of my book launch – as I share a book that’s all about building resilience and adopting a growth mindset—that right now, I’m experiencing moments of overwhelm. I’m being asked in this moment to practice what I teach—to stay grounded even when things are overwhelming.
By slowing down.
By taking the one next best step forward.
By taking care of myself.
By asking for help.
And by allowing the emotions to pass through.
Goodness knows the last year and a half has brought each of us through periods of challenge and stress. Maybe you’re ‘in it’ right now too.
How are you coping? How are you navigating the changes?
If you need support, or the reminder that you’re not alone, I’m here. I also have a badass Facebook group I'd love to have you be a part of.
Finally, I invite you to check out my new book, Empath Warrior Mindset. It has some ideas that can help you create a mindset of embracing discomfort as a tool for growth. You can find the e-book and the paperback on Amazon.
Sending a heartfelt hug to anyone out there who is going through a challenging time. I see you. Don’t give up.
On why I was inspired to name this blog Alive in the Fire.