10 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Lungs from Wildfire Smoke
/Smoky air… not fun to deal with!
Most of the west coast is on fire right now (my county included) so I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can protect our lungs during this time. Here are 10 simple ways to try today.
Stay inside and use an air purifier.
If you’re outside, wear your N95 mask.
Use an essential oil diffuser. Eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree are my go-to right now.
Use a neti pot to purify the nasal passages.
Take a hot bath.
Drink warm liquids throughout the day. Double your fluid intake for a few days.
Rinse irritated eyes with eyewash.
If you’ve been outside in the smoke, change your clothes and shower when you get home.
Prioritize rest as opposed to heavy physical exertion.
Add herbs and supplements: ginger, turmeric, vitamin C, vitamin D, oil of oregano.
Additional resources:
Herbs for lung health: eucalyptus, thyme, oregano, peppermint, mullein
Herbs to boost your lung power: astragalus, pippali, licorice root, kalmegh, vasaka
9 Natural Remedies for Smoke Inhalation: add citrus, garlic and carrots
How to Protect Yourself from Smoke: good reminder to use the AC in your car
Remember the basics, too:
Eat nutritious, real foods. Skip dairy as it increases inflammation and phlegm.
Get plenty of sleep. Add an extra hour for a few nights if you can.
De-compress and ask for help if you are feeling a change in your mental health.
Also helpful:
ENERGY WORK. If you’re feeling super low energy, lethargic, in a funk… a Reiki session can provide a huge shift in perspective and can help you feel lighter and brighter.
DANCE PARTY! Preferably with no pants on and the music turned wayyyy up ;)
JOURNALING. Write down your biggest fears and frustrations. Vent. Only after you’ve let out everything negative ~ make a list of things you’re grateful for. See if you can step back from your experience enough to see the duality… the heaviness and the lightness… discomfort and ease… Dark and light. Allow space for both.
Sending love to all those affected by these fires, my neighbors and family included!
Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.