Activities that Yoga Supports
/No matter which physical activities or sports you love, yoga can be a great support to your fitness. Strength, flexibility, balance and concentration will help performance and reduce injuries.
If you love soccer (sometimes called football), then you know the importance of muscular endurance in the legs and core, as well as hip, knee and ankle mobility.
If you train for soccer three times a week, then consider a yoga practice on the other two days. This is an excellent fitness schedule because it mixes muscle building and match sharpness with your soccer training and your yoga days help you to recover and build flexibility and strength in the stabilizing muscles around your joints.
To play tennis effectively, you need concentration, flexibility and immense physical strength. That’s why pro-tennis players work so hard off the court.
Professional tennis players use a number of training techniques to develop the qualities needed to be a top tennis player, and many of them use different forms of yoga to increase flexibility, develop strength and reduce the chance of injuries. If you play tennis, consider a yoga practice.
Jiu Jitsu
Jiu Jitsu is a great fit for yoga. Flexibility in the fascia (connective tissue), core strength, improved balance, and mental resilience are all crossover aspects between jiu jitsu and yoga.
If you practice jiu jitsu and you want to get an edge on the competition, then use your off-days to take up a yoga practice that builds your core strength and increases your flexibility.
Gym Workouts
Workout regimes are unique to everyone; some people hit the gym to use the machines and build muscles, while others want more stamina for a sport or activity. If you want to push yourself hard during your workouts, yoga can be a helpful balance and can prevent injury.
Yoga helps level up any workout, plus a mobility warm up and cool down can make a huge difference with your recovery.
Yoga is essential for runners! Tight hamstrings and quads, sore feet, tight back muscles… yoga can help with that. Overall postural improvement through yoga can also have a big impact for runners and help you understand the alignment of your joints and spine.
Which sports do you enjoy and are you adding yoga to your routine?
Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.