The Top 10 Ways to Find Your Voice as a New Yoga Teacher
/I recently reached out to hundreds of yoga teachers and asked:
When you first started teaching, what helped you find your voice?
What was instrumental in helping you build your confidence in front of the room when teaching classes?
I was excited to receive a huge number of thoughtful and helpful responses. Here’s a summary of the best advice from experienced yoga teachers to new yoga teachers on how to step authentically into your style and voice when you are starting out.
The Top 10 Ways to Find Your Voice as a New Yoga Teacher
(As Recommended by Experienced Yoga Teachers)
Teach! Give yourself a chance to practice, refine, learn and grow by stepping up on a consistent basis and giving it your all. What will teaching feel like after 100 classes? Or more? Give yourself the gift of direct experience. The more you teach, the more you discover!
Connect to your own practice. This will help guide you and keep you centered. Being present in your body, having a close, authentic, present-moment connection to the poses, having a sense of the rhythm and timing of your own practice… these all help bring your teaching to life.
Be kind to yourself. Give yourself grace when you make mistakes. If possible, laugh and smile! Remember that we’re all human and that showing your vulnerability empowers your students to do the same. Taking a lighthearted approach can also encourage beginner’s mind (showing up fresh and letting go of expectations) as well as drop any stories about how ‘good’ a particular class is.
Prepare well, especially if you’re nervous about your sequencing or memorization. Also be willing to let the plan go and teach based on who’s in the room and what’s happening in the moment. Preparation. Focus. Practice. Repetition.
When it feels like the right timing for you, ask for feedback from peers, colleagues and mentors.
Listen carefully on and off the yoga mat. Notice. Feel. Be receptive and open. What is your own practice revealing to you? What are you experiencing in your life that is helping you grow? What do you authentically care most about and do you feel passionate about? Become aware of ways you can express yourself outside of your yoga practice as a way to encourage expression through your voice when you teach.
Know the power of silence. Give yourself permission to experiment with having moments of class when there is no teaching. No cues or information, just space for students to feel.
Film yourself teaching. Notice if you have phrases or filler words that you tend to repeat. See if you can listen back to your own words with understanding and compassion as you learn from what you hear.
Practice teaching out loud to yourself at home, in the car, in the hallway… repetition helps bring clarity.
Ask for help. Find a mentor, teach to friends and family as you’re becoming more comfortable, reach out if you feel discouraged or need support. Yoga is a community of helpful and caring friends who will be happy to encourage you!
PS 3 great resources for new yoga teachers, a heartfelt thank you to all yoga teachers, and how a Power Vinyasa Yoga Script can help you find your voice.
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.