Healthy Lifestyle Basics
/Feeling lost? Uninspired? Tired, frustrated, or bored?
That’s OK. ;) It’s important first and foremost to acknowledge where you’re coming from and give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions are coming up.
It can also be helpful to focus on the basics of a balanced lifestyle.
Eat well and treat your body with kindness
The food that you eat plays a significant role in how your body functions. Nutrition affects digestion, muscle growth, endurance, energy levels, metabolism, hormone health, weight management, and overall wellness. Remember that changes take time.
Simple ways to improve your nutrition:
Eat fresh foods as opposed to packaged and processed foods.
Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
Drink water.
Consider portion size, consider how you feel when you eat, consider what leaves you feeling satisfied.
Slow down and sit in one place when you eat.
Is how you’re nourishing yourself coming from a place of kindness and compassion? Reflect.
Are you sleeping well? Rest is so important for our health.
Create a consistent evening routine as well as a morning routine. Also remember to take breaks throughout the day.
Move well
Exercise is important if you want to feel your best! What sorts of movement do you enjoy the most? Do those. Consider a mobility routine to keep your joints and ligaments feeling great!
Do what makes you feel confident
Health is a series of personal choices. Do what works for you! Some people need time in the sauna with their waist trainer, some like to plan out portioned snacks for work. Some enjoy a light, sweat-free, low-impact workout, others need a HIIT class or weightlifting session. Just because someone else recommends it doesn’t mean it will work for you!
Be kind to yourself and stay open minded.
Allow for imperfection
Continue to invite balance, give yourself permission to try new things and make changes, and let the process be messy and imperfect. You came here to be real and to experience all of this!
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.