10 Ways to Support Your Lungs and Sinuses When There's Wildfire Smoke
/Smoky air?
Here are 10 ways to support your lungs and sinuses while there's wildfire smoke in the air:
1. Be inside, especially if you're doing a workout.
2. Run an air purifier.
3. Use an essential oil diffuser and oils like eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary or a "breathe" type of blend.
4. Do deep breathing techniques (while inside). Look up nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), breath of fire, or ujjayi breath.
5. Homemade steam treatment - boil water and put it in your bathroom sink. You can add a few drops of an essential oil if you like. Place a towel over your head and create a little 'tent' over the sink, with your head near the water. Breathe deeply.
6. Use a neti pot with a saline rinse for your sinuses. Be sure the water is distilled or sterilized. I suggest researching this - there are some contraindications and if it doesn't resonate, skip it.
7. Use nasya oil in your sinuses. Wonderful Ayurvedic method to support your system.
8. Supplement. Research lung and sinus health or talk to an expert at your local health food store.
9. Drink tea to hydrate and support your respiratory health. I have a nice blend with eucalyptus, thyme, licorice, tulsi, peppermint, and cardamom. Again, your local health food store will likely have some good options.
10. Get extra sleep. Take a salt bath. Give yourself permission to slow down and rest.
11. UP YOUR HYDRATION. A gallon of water a day, minimum, and/or add electrolytes. Easy way to add electrolytes without buying any products: squeeze some lemon juice and add a little Himalayan pink salt to your water.
12. Care for your mental health! Smoky skies can be depressing. Make sure you’re spending time with friends, talking through any emotions that you feel, and practicing things like yoga and meditation to manage your stress levels.
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