Minimalist Design for a Calm Mind
/Sometimes, less is more. Here are a few simple ways to use a minimalist approach to your home, keeping a clean, tidy, uncluttered space.
Start With A Thorough Declutter
In order to create a home that’s calm and balanced, start by clearing out stuff you don’t need. You might separate things into piles— things you want to sell, things you want to get rid of, things you want to gift to others. If you do some research you can learn more about storage options in your area, as you'll likely be able to find a storage facility that can house your excess items.
Decide on the ‘Look’ You’re Going For
What’s your style? What colors and tones make you feel at peace, and what sorts of textures and materials do you prefer? You could choose marble, wood, stone or metal. Bright and bold accent colors? Muted tones? Find a theme that works for you and stick with it throughout the different rooms in your home.
Take It Slow
Shifting from having a lot of ‘stuff’ to having a minimalist space can be a process and can take some time. Give yourself grace as you transition, and give yourself time to reflect on why you’re making this change and what it does for you mentally and emotionally.
Consider Quality over Quantity
Choose carefully and consider quality when it comes to items like furniture and décor. Are you really in love with the piece? If not, skip it.
Are you a minimalist at heart? I’d love to hear!
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.