Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health refers to a huge scope of things. It refers to the way that you feel about yourself, how you feel about others and even how you are able to manage your feelings as well. Taking care of your health can sometimes mean seeking out professional support and even treatment in some instances. 

Here are a few smart mental health hacks— ways to feel better and find relief from stress right away.

Say Something Positive About Yourself

How you see yourself can have a very powerful impact on the way that you feel overall. If you perceive yourself negatively then you may end up viewing any experience in a way that ultimately confirms your notion. Practice words that actually promote your feelings of self-worth and your personal power. For example, if you interviewed for a job and it didn’t go so well, instead of telling yourself, “I absolutely blew it,” acknowledge that although it didn’t go the way you had hoped, and re-frame the situation. “I’ve learned a lot, and I value myself highly” — use words such as these to reaffirm your self-worth even if you are feeling down.

Write Down What You’re Grateful For

Gratitude has been linked with improving mental health and well-being. Keep a journal or a daily gratitude list. Mindfulness practices like writing can help you process your emotions, dive deeper into what is helping you create gratitude, and stay focused on the positive. When you are focused on the positive, you feel more at ease in life. Healing crystals and stones can also be used to help give yourself the boost you need.

Focus on a Single Thing

Being mindful of the present moment gives you the chance to let go of any negative or difficult emotions that you may have experienced in the past. Start by bringing awareness to your routine activities. This can include eating lunch, taking a shower, or even walking home. The more you can pay attention to the current moment, the more you will be able to relax. If you find your mind wandering, then just bring it back to whatever you are doing.

Work Out

Your body will release mood-boosting endorphins both before and after you workout. Exercise is a very powerful antidote to stress, depression and anxiety. Look for small ways to add some activity to your day. This could include taking the stairs instead of the elevator or a walk break during your day. Work up to a routine at the gym, a long hike or bike ride on the weekend, or a yoga class to attend on a consistent basis.

Eat a Great Meal

Eat to nourish your body and feel satisfied. Eat foods that are seasonal, and be aware of what time of day you eat. Set aside time to slow down and eat in a relaxed, quiet setting. Consider seasonal foods and limiting highly processed foods in order to stay in balance.

What other mental health hacks are helping you these days?