My New Poetry Book
/My new book is here!
What a wild ride this year has been. I can remember back in January I set the intention that my theme for 2020 would be unlocking my potential. Writing, self-publishing and helping others with their books has been a huge part of that goal— and something I’m incredibly proud of.
In April I released INNER FIRE, a coffee table style book featuring words of inspiration and images from a photo shoot I did in Joshua Tree Desert.
In May, I published a new edition of SPARK, a short book that celebrates grief.
And now, in December, I’ve launched VESSEL— my first collection of poems and a powerful glimpse inside my own healing process.
Not to mention— in July, I helped a friend and colleague release her book about holistic healing and this month also learned that a different editing client is about to release his memoir. And I’ve got two friends about to finish their manuscripts who have graciously allowed me to provide input and feedback on their work.
WOW! It has been such an incredible year.
Writing VESSEL has been an act of self-love. A process of moving from “I’m not good enough” and “My voice doesn’t deserve to be heard” into a state of empowerment, embodiment and clarity.
It has been a healing journey not only diving into the topics in this book— self-awareness, nature, connection, pain— but also experiencing the process of writing the book itself. Life-changing!
You can find the book on Amazon as a paperback and an e-book, or hit me up if you're interested in a signed copy.
Stay tuned to hear more about what it was like to put together over a hundred pages of poetry, how this book helped me heal my relationship to my body, and why I believe anyone who wants to can self-publish a book.
So excited about this book and can’t wait to share more of it with you soon. Thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way— what a vulnerable, heart-opening, life-changing journey!
Reflections on dipping in 30-something-degree water.