5 Grounding Mantras to Help New Yoga Teachers
/As a new yoga teacher, you’re keeping track of a lot.
Sequencing, logistics, pacing in a class, cues, student names…
Remembering how to get students signed in and how to control the temperature of the room and the music…
The cadence of the breath…
Being sure not to skip a pose, or skip one side of a pose…
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed. So, what helps ease anxiety before and during a class?
Focused concentration. Grounding yourself in the present moment with some words of encouragement! Here are 3 of my favorite mantras to help me stay focused and keep a positive attitude when teaching a class. These are especially great if you’re new to teaching and you’re feeling nervous before you go to teach!
One step at a time.
Just like with the poses, we have to start with a solid foundation and build from there. Trust the process and give yourself time to learn and grow into your teaching experiences.
I’m here for a reason.
Even if you aren’t fully certain why you’re teaching, or what exactly you want your students to walk away with, trust that there are many reasons beneath the surface, not all of which you might understand yet. Stay open, stay curious, and see what you notice. You don’t have to have all the answers right now.
I can do anything for an hour.
My teacher trainers would always say this. A lot of times we forget that a one-hour class (or 45, 75, 90 minutes, whatever the time frame is) really isn’t that much time in the grand scheme of life. Even if you’re struggling at first, just remember that the class will be over before you know it, and then everyone will continue about their day-to-day lives. Enjoy the moment while you’re in it and don’t worry too much about it needing to be perfect.
Get ‘em in Child’s Pose. ;)
If you’re stuck, feeling lost, or need a moment to catch your breath and remember where you’re going next in the class… get them in Child’s Pose! This is a great transition pose to give yourself a moment to think, to re-ground your energy, and to check in with yourself. Gives the students a chance to tune inward, too.
I trust this moment.
Over and over, come back to the present moment and what it’s here to offer you. A deep breath. A feeling of gratitude. A chance to just be you.
What are some of your other favorite grounding mantras?
PS More grounding mantras, and grounding mantras to help give you calm energy.
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