4 Ways to Find Peace with Winter
/Historically, winter hasn’t been my favorite time of year.
I find myself feeling less energetic when it’s dark and cold out. I find myself missing the feeling of renewal in springtime, and the heat and excitement of summer.
But this year, since my move to Utah, I’ve decided to really embrace winter. To enjoy it! To see its beauty and appreciate this season we’re in— even if it’s not my comfort zone.
Here are 4 simple ways I’m honoring this winter season.
Rest. I’m sleeping more, meditating, taking it slow (especially in the mornings), staying cozy, keeping my plans to a minimum, reminding myself to say no when I don’t have the energy for something. Truly doing less, which is very different from the pace I’ve kept in the past.
Feeling my emotions. Lately I’ve been having a lot of vulnerable conversations, writing in my journal, doing energy work, and letting myself cry. Change brings up fear, excitement, frustration, joy, and just about everything in between! Through the ups and downs, I’m allowing myself to feel what I feel— with grace. Without judgment. Just letting it be OK.
Encouragement from people who care. Having a team of people who love me and care about me and can remind me of this has been so critical lately! Especially if I’m having a day where I am feeling self-conscious or judgmental of myself, having an outside perspective is so helpful. It’s also been very important to ask for help when I need it, and to release any guilt, shame, or fear around asking for help.
Daily movement. I listen to my body and honor where I am today. Some days are a heavy lift at the gym, sometimes a run, sometimes a hike, yoga, stretch, walk. Each day, some movement but no set plan for how intense the workout needs to be.
Embracing winter is definitely new for me— and living in a “real” winter where the temps are below freezing. How do you guys like this season? Are you making it through the winter OK? I’d love to hear how things are going for you, and I hope these ideas are helpful.
Sending love and a deep breath your way!
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.