6 Small Changes that Transformed My Life
/How can you create sustainable change?
How can you build a healthy, active lifestyle?
How can you transform your habits when it comes to exercise, nutrition and sleep?
Start today with one small thing. 😅
Instead of trying to take on massive changes like adding an hour to your workout or changing your nutrition overnight, incorporate something so small that you have no excuse not to do it.
Small changes + unwavering consistency = a great recipe for building your confidence.
In my experience, it's best to implement one very small thing, and let that give you inspiration to incorporate other changes.
Here are 6 small changes I’ve made in my life that I never expected to have such a profound impact on my health…
I eliminated sweetener from my coffee. This has given me the inspiration to address the root of my sugar cravings and binge eating patterns. Making a conscious choice first thing in the morning to not go for sugar is super empowering for me.
I stretch for a few minutes immediately upon waking up. As soon as I hear my alarm, I sit up and start to do seated cat/cow or some gentle neck stretches. This has removed the temptation of hitting 'snooze,' and has helped me relieve a lot of tension in my neck and low back.
For several months, I collected stones every time I went for a run or a walk. I would place them on my doorstep and seeing them was a great visual reminder of my progress, and inspiration to go again the next day. This ritual was a huge part in starting my running practice because it helped me stay consistent.
I now get up at the same time every day, even on the weekends. I used to let myself sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays, and that made Monday a total drag. Now I'm up at 4:30 AM most days, and I love it! Starting the day with 'me' time has been very helpful for my mental health, and being consistent with my sleep patterns has made getting up early so much easier.
I use timers to remind me to get up from the computer during the day. I’ll run the stairs a few times, do a few push-ups, or do 5 minutes of yoga. This has eliminated a ton of stiffness and soreness in my muscles, and I feel more energized throughout the afternoon.
I created a meditation space in my garage. Having a spot that I find comforting, calm and grounding helps me look forward to meditation. Some days I’ll sit and journal or read a book, some days I just look out the garage at the sky and listen to the sound of the birds and crickets. It’s a very soothing way to let go of stress and get in tune with what I need.
Are there any small changes you’ve made that have had a profound impact on your life?
What small changes are you ready to commit to?
I’d love to hear!
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.