5 Ways to Reduce Stress
/Stress is everywhere these days.
Pandemic, quarantine, work from home, distance learning…
Politics, climate change, conspiracy theories, negative stories in the news…
Upset people, financial struggle, uncertainty…
What do we do?! How do we cope?
Here are a few simple ways you can take control of your stress levels.
Get outside for 5 minutes.
Look up at the sky. Feel the sun on your skin. Listen to the sounds around you. See how this shifts your perspective.
Sit or lie down and do nothing for 5 minutes.
Rest is a powerful practice. Give yourself permission to just BE, and see how that feels.
Stretch for 5 minutes.
You could start with some neck and shoulder movements, maybe a few seated stretches, or laying on your back. Notice where in your body there is tension, and start there.
Concentrate on your breathing for 5 minutes.
Slowing down your breath helps reduce stress immediately. Try counting your inhale for 3 counts, and counting your exhale for 4 counts.
Talk to someone for 5 minutes.
Give yourself permission to ask for help. You could start with a simple, “Hey, I’ve been feeling really stressed. Do you have a moment to talk?”
I’ll often ask myself a few questions if I feel a sudden surge of stress:
Can I slow down and do one thing at a time right now?
What is bothering me the most? Is it within my control?
Where is my breath?
There are many ways to deal with stress, and these are just a few ideas that I hope you find helpful. Remember, keep moving forward and trust that this stress won’t last forever!
Sending you a deep breath and a big hug right NOW!
I’m passionate about helping women writers achieve more success in their careers.