Photo via The Boho Garden on Tumblr.
Perhaps the most important hug today is just for you. You could picture your arms wrapped around the backs of your shoulders, the way a child loves herself. You could hear the sound of your own voice saying I love you. I do.Despite your doubts, your shame, or your insecurities, you choose compassion.
Even if only for a brief time, you love yourself unconditionally.
A Simple Hug
Photos via Pinterest.
The person near you could be suffering, and you don't even realize it.
None of us know when the next devastating moment in life will arrive.
Yet, we're in this together. Everything that happens to us has happened to someone before, maybe even someone we know.
You can choose to ask for a hug when you need one.
We all deserve love and happiness. We share it by giving hugs and smiles to those around us.
The next stranger you see at the grocery store who seems sad, send them an invisible energetic hug. The next yogi at your studio who you haven't met, take a moment to say hello. Share a hug. Or hug your teacher after class.
And that person in your life who you've been waiting to forgive, or who you're harboring resentment towards, know that they need a hug from you too. And you're allowed to give one as soon as you're ready.
You can hug yourself while you're in the shower, or outside under the moon, or first thing when you wake up in the morning.
You can hug your dog, your cat, your turtle, the neighbor's pet who you love to see running around in the front yard.
A simple hug goes quite a long way.
I see it in your eyes… you could use a hug.
Let go of whatever it is you’re holding onto, just for a
little while.
I Need a Hug
/I'm fighting off a sinus infection, so everything seems off. It's hard to breathe and difficult to hear, which means everything feels like a struggle.
Add to the mix: stress at work, changes at home, sleepless nights, and expensive car troubles. Ugh!
I am trying to stay positive, but have been getting frustrated.
The good news is that I have a lot of support, I have some awesome things to look forward to, and despite all of the stress, there are little blessings everywhere.
It's amazing how sometimes a hot shower or a few minutes spent journaling can make all the difference.
I hope you're staying healthy, yogis! If you have a moment, send a hug my way, won't you?
The Goddess Within
Photos by Jobi Otso.
When do I feel connected, inspired, and whole?
Sometimes it is in a quiet moment... when I try a posture that I've never done before, and find it suddenly accessible. When I am willing to move toward sensation, rather than hide from it.
When I am able to relax, and smile. Ah, here it is, I say to myself. This is the pose.
Or, when I can look into the mirror and soften, rather than resist anything that I'm seeing.
I'm comforted, too, by the familiar things I love... the ease in a yoga pose I've visited many times before. The way my body settles into the shape effortlessly, the way my mind becomes calm and clear.
Here I am, I think.
Yoga allows me to soften.
To go inward, and meet myself the way I am. Noticing the imperfections, the beauty, the strength.
Yoga allows me to experience feeling wholly vibrant, connected, divine. To embody my inner goddess.
So, I’ll tell you. With words, and in this way that I know
how, holding you in my arms.
I Like Hugging You
Photos via Pinterest.
You came over for yoga class yesterday. When you got to my apartment,
I gave you a big hug. I could feel you smiling as I pulled you close.
I looked at you in class and I wanted to squeeze you again. I
just felt so proud of you for being present in your practice, for being so
strong. I wanted to hold you as a way of saying you are beautiful. Maybe to be held by you a little bit, too.
Sometimes a hug is like saying thank you.
In savasana, I massaged your feet for a few moments; this
was its own way of hugging.
After class, I was saying farewell and gave you a big hug on
your way out. We kept talking for a second and then had to have another one. I
didn’t mind.
I'm Hugging You
Photos by Sarah Rhoads.
I Could Hug You All Day
Photo via Rummey Bears.
To be touched, to be held, is to be loved.
Photo via Tyler Branch.
A cheek nuzzled into a neck, an arm wrapped around the back, the fingers of a hand entwined in another's.
Photo via Pinterest.
A gentle hug, an open heart. These are things I long for.
Color Me Rad Sacramento 5K
On Memorial Day, my sister and I participated in the Color Me Rad 5K run in Sacramento. It was a blast!
We arrived to find the party had already started: a DJ was jamming some awesome tunes, runners were doing Zumba moves to warm up, and people in white t-shirts and neon-colored Raybans were walking around everywhere.
We pinned on our race numbers and quickly decided we had to join our fellow runners in donning a RAD tattoo :)
I have to say, I felt pretty badass adding that to my collection of tattoos. Once we were pumped up and ready to go, we headed over to the starting line.
Fortunately for us, a generous girl who was running by herself decided to share her packet of color with us, so I started out the race covered in bright pink.
A little over three miles of running later, we were stoked to have finished the race. It was awesome sharing the experience with other runners and watching the crazy antics of people getting color bombed by handfuls of starchy powder. Plus, by the end of everything, we were a rainbow of color: we'd been soaked in liquid and then doused with the cornstarch powder multiple times.
My favorite part was at the very end, when a crowd of runners who had finished the race gathered near the DJ booth. Cued by his countdown, we all threw our last color bomb packets into the air at the same time, and the air was filled with a haze of color.
It felt so invigorating and exciting to be a part of such a fun event, and to contribute to several great causes -- the Special Olympics, and a relief fund for Boston. Every step of the way, I felt so fully present to the moment, fully conscious and alive.
I'm so grateful to have a body that lets me run when I want to and a beautiful a sister I can share silly experiences with. Cheers!
Daring Hugs
Photos via My Morning Coffee.
Today, give a hug to the one you love. Let yourself be hugged back.
Relax into knowing you are beautiful. Be strong, willing, unafraid of new experience.
Love with reckless abandon.
Have a Hug
Photos via Pinterest.
Valentine's Day is coming soon. I think we should celebrate early and have a hug now.
Photo by Olive Juice Studios.
The best part? When you give a hug, you get one too. :)
Happy hugging, lovely ones!
Hug Me
Photo via Pinterest.
Go on, hug me once more before you go.
Photo via Jaquilyn Shumate Photography.
Heartfelt Hugs
/Let's Hug Again
Photos via Phat Buddha.
Today my yoga does not consist of rolling out my mat.
Today my yoga simply means sitting quietly, wrapping my arms around my shoulders, and exhaling. I love myself just the way I am.
I accept myself just as I am. Here. In this moment.
Photo via Wari Om Photography.
Today my yoga consists of hugging him for longer because I know he's had a hard day. I'm practicing yoga as I high-five her, smiling, glad she's my friend.
Today my yoga is pure love.
Love is Everywhere (A Hug Post)
Photos via Pacing the Panic Room.
You deserve love.
And happiness. Moments worth savoring.
If you're having a rough day, one that's filled with anger or sadness or guilt... try this:
Do not be angry;
Do not worry;
Be grateful;
Work with diligence;
Be kind to people.
See if you can melt your heart -- stone into water -- until your compassion returns to the surface. It's still there; I can feel it.
Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Photos via Pinterest and A Cup of Jo.
You could use a hug, huh?
Here's what you do.
First things first, deep breath. Air all the way from your nose to your toes.
Relax your shoulders away from your ears.
Wrap both arms around your chest, and give a little squeeze.
Or go ask that friend, lover, colleauge, family member, or stranger for one. Chances are, they need one right back.
(PS I'm sending you a big air hug right now, too!)