Getting the Most from Your Yoga Practice
/Are you walking away from your mat with that post-yoga glow?
Here are a few simple ways that your practice nourishes you.
Yoga can help you slow your thoughts, process experiences and memories, and establish a strong mind-body connection.
Ways to help this process:
Let go of needing to learn or memorize everything about every pose. Understand that you will not be able to absorb all of the information right away and that with time you’ll learn more nuances and depth for the poses.
It’s common to feel like other people are watching you or judging you at a class but the truth is, everyone is there to practice their own practice. Stay focused on you and you’ll get the most out of the class.
Move slowly, keep your attention on your breath, and keep coming back to your physical experience if you find that the mind has started to wander.
Yoga is a powerful practice to transform the physical body. It helps with strength, mobility, flexibility, spinal health, muscular strength, core strength, lung capacity, digestion, hormone regulation, and many other things.
To get the most out of your yoga practice on a physical level, be sure to:
Share with your teacher about any injuries or health concerns.
Take breaks or skip poses if you feel any pain. Discomfort is OK but if you feel pain, modify or do a different pose.
Consider adding to your yoga practice outside of class by finding a team of health practitioners that can support you. If you suffer from back pain you might consider connecting with local chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, general practitioners, or energy workers as a way to give your body the support it needs and find the relevant information that will help you take great care of yourself.
Yoga is a practice that can help you bring mindfulness to all areas of your life, and to cultivate calm, centered energy. When you practice, take time to reflect on what you want to get out of the time you’re spending on your mat. Setting intentions is powerful way to ground yourself when you show up for your practice.
Honor Yourself Where You Are
Yoga is a practice of honoring the moment you’re in. Some days you’ll feel more limber than others. Some days you’ll feel energized; other days you might feel tired. Learn your body’s signals and work with them instead of resisting what is.
Honor your body and all the work it does both on and off the yoga mat. Allow yourself to enjoy the movements and rhythm of your breath and to experience the moment as it is.
Give yourself permission to take care of yourself during class. To do what you need to do, regardless of what others in the room are doing.
Getting the most from your yoga practice can take a little while; you need to find what makes you feel good and work with that.
If you are working on honoring yourself more, you might also enjoy this post: 5 Ways To Show Yourself Massive Respect.
On why I was inspired to name this blog Alive in the Fire.